Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #100-91

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Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #100-91

Post by Shrykespeare »

It ... begins.

It's been ten years since we last did a music-related countdown of this magnitude. That so many of us are still convening to discuss the latest in all facets of entertainment speaks volumes as to the tenacity of the few of us who have stuck around ... to say nothing of the camaraderie.

Before we kick off our three-plus-month musical extravaganza, I feel I must lay out the ground rules. Or, rather, rule, as there is only one:


We're all adults here. I know there's a ton of respect in this community. However, I have seen, several times in the past thirteen years, casual discussion turn into argument, argument turn into bad blood, bad blood turn into an all out flame-war. The absolute last thing I (and, I suspect, all of you) want is for our varied and disparate tastes in music to become a hammer that drives a wedge between us. (How's that for mixing metaphors?)

Over the next few months, over 1,000 songs are going to be posted. It's pretty much guaranteed you're not going to like all of them. There may even be a few that you hate with the fiery passion of a white-hot supernova. All I ask is that you temper your passions when commenting on either other's musical selections. That's all.

Every one of us participating in this countdown had to comb through our memories, our playlists, and whatever electronic devices we use to store and play music, searching for the cream of the crop, the songs that stand out the most after two decades of music. Every song you will see here is loved by (at least) one of us. By you, or by someone you know and respect. If what you hear isn't your "thing", so be it. Simply state that you don't like it, assign a below-average rating to it, and move on. The purpose of this countdown is to entertain ourselves and each other, to broaden our musical tastes, and (at the very worst) to engage in some good-natured ribbing. Any comments that go beyond Statler-and-Waldorf levels of criticism will not be tolerated. Unless it's Limp Bizkit. Ahem.

Damn, I am so not cut out to play the heavy.



Angus & Julia Stone, A Heartbreak (2014)

There is no Youtube link that will give justice to this song, I fell for it at a gig, that song was the opening act, and that bass solo that opens the song, live, with the perfect mise en scène to go with it, was just amazing.


Glasvegas, Geraldine (2008)

When I decided to cut most of the one-hit wonders on my shortlist Glasvegas was one of the few to survive the cull. As far as I know Geraldine is the only Glasvegas song that's worth a damn, but it's a heckuva tune.


The Wonder Years, Passing Through a Screen Door (2013)

I discovered The Wonder Years through making my top ten albums list of 2013 for this website. Their album "The Greatest Generation" came in second for me that year, though it hasn't held up quite as well as some of the other great albums from that year, I still think this song is modern pop punk perfection, which lands it a spot on my list.


Grandaddy, This Is How It Always Starts (2006)

This is my favourite song from their great album Just Like The Fambly Cat. An indie pop song with some neo-psychedelia influences. This is the first song I ever heard from Grandaddy and it just moved me so much immediately I had to hear more of them. He has a great emotional voice and this is such a sweet sad song.


After some personal correspondence with Michael Swaim (of Cracked fame), I was sent an obscure concept album by the name of Hadestown. The artist: Anais Mitchell. I had never heard of either... but Mike swore by it. This was nearly a decade ago (2011-ish). I immediately fell in love with the narrative- and character-heavy retelling of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. The melodies, the vocals, the passion behind the music, and the allegory to modern times was just breathtaking. ...Flash-forward to 2020, and this concept album has been adapted into a Tony-winning Broadway musical. Me and my fiancee are flying to NYC in February to see it. It's been quite a journey--thank you, Anais and Michael.

Anais Mitchell, Wedding Song (From the original concept-album HADESTOWN, 2011)


Ou Est Le Swimming Pool, Dance the Way I Feel (2009)

Theres so many songs that could be No. 100. The songs for most of you, it the one the JUST made the cut. For me, this song is the only one ive heard more than twice from the band. It stuck. Its also the song ive been listening to the most since compiling this list. Its called Dance the Way i Feel, and that says something about me and also, says lots about whats to come for my list, i can only have a song in here if it FEELS right. I tried inserting songs that were highly regarded or a friends favourite- but it didn't feel right at the end. Side note: the lead singer of this band that never was committed suicide way too early in life, he thought he seriously injured a member of the crowd when he went to dive in to crowd surf. Its sad but im gonna remember this song.


Billie Eilish, my strange addiction (2019)

Part of the reason why Billie Eilish has become so popular is her irreverence. She's the only person who would include snippets of The Office in a dark tale of lust and obsession with a toxic relationship. The somewhat minimalist beat accompanies her trademark whisper-singing to create a song unlike any other artists.


Smash Mouth, You Are My Number One (2003)

Smash Mouth endeared themselves to me in the 90’s with their mix of pop, reggae, ska, and space-age beach music. I wore out my Astro Lounge CD, and I had two of their songs on my Top 100 ATF songs ten years ago (When the Morning Comes, Fallen Horses). I considered cutting this one, but as a nod to the late, great Rankin’ Roger (English Beat, Modern English), I couldn’t leave it out. So You Are My Number One is my Number One…Hundred.


Iceage, Catch It (2018)

And away we go. It’s going to be an interesting trip for me, as these 100 songs will stretch from my teens to my haggard lurch towards my 40s (assuming I’ll make it, that is). These songs reflect some pretty incredible moments of adulthood, but more importantly evoke a sense of nostalgia and a revisiting of all those intense and meaningful moments.

I’ll start with the latest record from a band I’ve been a fan of since they (not me) were teenagers, the Danish act Iceage. I’ve seen them develop from noisy punks to cowboy rockers to smooth alt-crooners and to this, one of their most confident songs, a critique of male seduction (or perhaps drug addiction?), and one that sounds like it’s having a chat with Lou Reed and Co. from 1967.


Sacred Paws, Strike A Match (2007)

Rachel Aggs is a prolific genius. Between her work with Trash Kit, Shopping, Golden Grrrls and Sacred Paws, she has created some of the most interesting and fun music of the past decade. Combining afro-beat with post-punk, Aggs and her bandmate Eilidh Rodgers craft songs that are hugely satisfying and always leave me with a smile on my face. Strike A Match is a perfect example of this, with fun hooks, spiralling, jangly guitars, and trading vocals which rise in wonderful harmonies. If only all bands could keep miserable old guys like me in such good spirits!


Madvillain, Rhinestone Cowboy (2004)

As bizarre as this sounds considering his status as an underground cult hero with absolutely no mainstream appeal, MF Doom was one of the artists that got me into hip-hop as a teenager. To this day, this particularly abstract cut from his brilliant 2004 collaboration with producer Madlib remains one of my favorite songs to ever come out of the genre.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #100-91

Post by numbersix »

For this one I probably won't comment on every song, even though I'll listen to them all. That said, it's taking a lot of strength to hold back on frickin Smash Mouth.

So far favourite song was Sacred Paws, a band I've seen live but don't have any of ther albums (unlike their associated acts Trash Kit and Shopping, whose work I own all of), so need to change that.

Liked Billie Eilish - as Grammy-winning pop goes, this is pretty clever.
Madvillain is pretty good.
Glasvegas! Man, that song was everywhere but I guess it was a one-hit wonder.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #100-91

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Let me begin with: Gene Hackman is 90 years old? Wow Happy birthday indeed, hope he sticks around for the countdown. And sorry, but im gonna give most every song a rating out of 10, hope that doesn't offend anyone.

Chien - Angus and Julia Stone - A Heartbreak
I liked it, I know these guys (someone tell me the definition of guys please), so, good start chien.

Johnerle - Glasvegas - Geraldine
I put in my brother in laws cool headphones just now. And im glad I did, I can hear this music properly.
Its nice, its catchy. Funny enough I met a social worker tonight. First listen.

Geezer - The Wonder Years - Passing Through a Screen Door
The person I am most worried about, cause I hear lyrics like im gonna try real hard; Im gonna find a pefect place to ring me head; I don't fkn know. The guitar is jarring to me, its too punky, and I tell you right now,
this is gonna be your whole list. I apologise in advance. Not my type (unless I want to bang my head against the wall). First listen

Leestu - Grandaddy - This is How It Always Starts
Wow, mate, this is a beautiful song. I really liked it, like you said, sweet and sad. I think im gonna like your
music taste even more than your film taste. First listen and im very impressed!

Nspan - Anais Mitchell - Wedding Song
First let me just say im super stoked Nspan is back on the boards, I think we have all missed him. I met
the first Anais last year, not Mitchell, just the same first name, and I had no idea how to spell the name.
This song is delightfully simple and folksy but it a good way. I like it, first listen.

Screen - Billie Eilish - My Strange Addiction
Ok, first, lets get some things off the bat. This is my fav song from Billie. I don't like Billie, im not sure if
im jealous of her early stardom or her articulate lyrics beyond her years. I remain in the jealous boat,
she recently won Triple J's song of the year with another song which I didn't rate. I feel like she is a fad,
only capable of winning the hearts of her like minded similar aged peers. However, I know her brother is
heavily involved with the production of her sound. Credit must be put where credit is due. But, im still
jealous :P

Shryke - Smashmouth - You Are My Number One
Now, I know said you can diss Limp Bizkit, what he meant was don't diss this band. And for good reason. Its
a song that I believe belonged in the 90s. I will stop there...First Listen (I think)

Six - Iceage - Catch It
And I don't think we will get a better contrast of musical taste than of six and shryke. I don't think anyone
else besides perhaps jErle will consider lyrics as much as you six. Yep, it sounds like a Lou Reed song from
the 60s, I don't know if that's a compliment or a heckle. But the sound is so down I might just go frown at
someone, let alone buy some razor blades. However, the last 20 seconds were actually really good. First listen

Surfer - Sacred Paws - Strike a Match
What Im really gonna love about this countdown is getting to listen to new music, which is not new. I expect only the best "new" old music from surfer, that is you. This has a lovely tropical sound intertwined with an indie beat and like u said, fun hooks. Nice catch. First & Second listen

Tranny - Madvillian - Rhinestone Cowboy
And what I might enjoy most in this whole countdown in listening to Tranny's songs last. Coz I know his taste is wildly different to most of you. But not me. This is some good shit, I loved MF Dooms newly tightknit rhyming powers. Im gonna have to look into more of "Madvillian". First and Second listen
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #100-91

Post by Geezer »

My links got messed up when Shryke initially posted this one, so the link to my number 96 song (spoilers) actually ended up here. The correct one is on there now. Good news for those of you who already played it, in 3 songs, you get to skip me!

I will also add that I'm going to try my best to listen to everything at some point, and will give you all at least 30 seconds. I won't give you a rating, but I'll let ya know if I liked it, or ya know, at least finished it.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #100-91

Post by Shrykespeare »

Chien - A Heartbreak - I really like this. Listened to it three times. Nice steady rhythm, awesome opening bass riff. Great choice. 8/10

JohnErle - Genraldine - I tried to get into this. IT really does sound like the kind of song I'd like, but unfortunately, it danced just out of reach for me. 5/10

Geezer - Passing Through a Screen Door - Not bad, but it didn't really resonate with me. 6/10

Leestu - This is How It Always Starts - This was good. Guy's voice has a Thom Yorke quality that I like. 6.5/10

NSpan - Wedding Song - Not bad. 5.5/10

Ron B - Ou Est Le Swimming Pool - Sad story about the lead singer, Ron. I like his voice, which has a hint of Perry Farrell in it. 6/10

Screen203 - my strange addiction - I'm fairly certain I've heard this before. I like the quirky beats but could do without the talky parts. 6/10

SIDE NOTE: I'm glad you're part of this, Screen. It's a welcome perspective to have someone participating who was actually born IN this millennium.

Six - Catch It - Too broody for me. It's like The Doors filtered through Oasis. There were a few musically appealing moments, but not enough for a second listen. 4/10

Surfer - Strike a Match - I might have to check out more of her stuff. This song didn't hit the bull's eye, but I like it. (I'd like to think, somewhere, Tanya Donnelly and Kim Deal are smiling that female alt-rock is alive and well ,.. and in good hands.) 7/10

Transformers - Rhinestone Cowboy - Sorry. Couldn't get into it. At all. 3/10
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #100-91

Post by transformers2 »

I'm going to mostly abstain from commenting on everybody's else songs until the end, but I gotta say I wasn't expecting to see Smash Mouth out of the gate :lol: The next 3 months are going to be fun.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #100-91

Post by Geezer »

Congrats for this round go to JohnErle, for having the only song I listened to completion, and also to Screen, for having the one I turned off the quickest (this was the first time I'd heard what Billie Eilish actually sounds like).

You guys can fight over which is a greater honor. The rest fell somewhere in between.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #100-91

Post by Leestu » ... 1R-Vpu1D9w

My song is missing from this playlist - the only song on my list that isn't available on spotify.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #100-91

Post by Leestu »

Love It

Iceage, Catch It - One of my favourite songs from 2018 from my #7 album of the year. I love where the song goes in the last couple of minutes. He always looks so drug fucked in his videos.

The Very Good

Angus & Julia Stone, A Heartbreak - I like everything they do...especially his solo project Dope Lemon.

Billie Eilish, my strange addiction - I think Billie and her brother are the real deal and will be around for a while. Both highly talented, creating great alternative pop. A family favourite in my household (5 music loving adults with different musical tastes - but we all love Billie - what we call a 5 quadrant artist). WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO is in my top 100 albums of the year.

The Good

Sacred Paws, Strike A Match - A technicality but this is from 2017, not 2007. First listen...I've only heard their latest album...I like them but not as much as the even more afro-beat influenced Shopping.

Anais Mitchell, Wedding Song - Wow this is a surprise...I did not expect to see Anais Mitchell. An interesting album even if most of the storyline went over my head - although different singers for the different characters helped a bit - Justin Vernon from Bon Iver in this song.

The Wonder Years, Passing Through a Screen Door

The Okay

Madvillain, Rhinestone Cowboy - MF Doom and Madlib are both interesting enough that I will usually check out anything either is involved in

Smash Mouth, You Are My Number One - First listen...Ranking Roger saves the song (I was a huge fan of The Beat when I was young)

Ou Est Le Swimming Pool, Dance the Way I Feel - I remember when he died..that was shocking...this is so of it's time (Ladyhawke, MGMT, La Roux etc). That's not necessarily a good thing or a bad just this song.

The Meh

Glasvegas, Geraldine - First listen..didn't get much out of this

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #100-91

Post by Shrykespeare »



Bradley Cooper, Black Eyes (2018)

I remember sitting in the theater, the lights turning off, the Universal logo fading away, “A Star is Born” starting with that concert sequence, Bradley Cooper rocking the shit out of the screen. I wasn’t prepared for that, as I wasn’t expecting much of the film itself, let alone the music. How you discover a song counts, because every time you listen to it after that will remind you of that first time, and I took the blast of my life discovering “Black Eyes” on a big screen with a Dolby Surround sound on a giant screen. I’ve listened to it tons of times since then, but ain’t nothing like that theater experience.


Bettye LaVette, The High Road (2005)

Most of the cover songs on my shortlist got cut even before the one-hit-wonders, but this one survived in part because I've never heard the original, so I didn't even realize it was a cover at first. My ultimate respect will always be for people who write their own stuff, but there's still a place for amazing singers like Bettye LaVette who interpret other people's ideas.


Streetlight Manifesto, One Foot On The Gas, One Foot In The Grave (2007)

This is my favorite song by one of the most fun bands I've ever seen live. I saw them play this whole album (which is fucking brilliant, by the way) a couple years ago and man what a fun, sweaty mess that show was.


Dance Yourself Clean, LCD Soundsystem (2010)

The opening track from their third album This Is Happening. There are quite a few great songs on this album but the way this song kicks off the whole album by starting slowly and building in intensity as the song goes on is awesome.


Anais Mitchell, When the Chips are Down (From the original concept-album HADESTOWN)

(Refer to the comments for #100)


Children Collide, Skeleton Dance (2008)

I used to abuse a certain radio station- Triple J (a huge influence in my taste of music). Not literally, i mean i listened to it every single waking hour of
the day. This is one of those songs which i instantly loved and while band never took to the promised heights of their potential. Its grundgy, rocky, punky and most importantly: catchy.


Tinashe Ft. Devonte Hynes, Bet (2014)

Tinashe's gritty vocals and the incredible production by Devonte Hynes (including the guitar solo) greatly enhance what could have been an unremarkable R&B love song.


Eminem, The Real Slim Shady (2000)

At the turn of the millennium, I remember wondering why white people couldn’t rap. I mean, a few tried, but they were all either fakes, jokes, or poseurs (or, in the case of Vanilla Ice, all three). Maybe we just weren’t capable. Then, one day while driving, this song came on the radio, a white guy who not only had the chops but the moxie to take on the genre single-handed. I laughed so frickin’ hard at this song I damn near crashed the car. Haven’t really heard (or cared) much about him since his Oscar win, but I can’t listen to this song without smiling, and that’s gotta count for something. This is the uncensored version.


The Horrors, I Only Think of You (2009)

The Horrors started off like a gothic psychobilly act but rapidly transformed into something more shoegazey from their second album, Primary Colours, which is my favourite by far. This is perhaps their most surprising song, a woozy, hazy love dirge that like my pervious song, also is indebted to the iconic Velvet Underground.


The Men, Turn It Around (2012)

I discovered The Men a few years ago on the back of their record New Moon, which was a great record and inspired me to invest in their back catalogue. In doing so, I found a band who had developed massively over the years since their noise rock explosion in the late 2000s. The record this song is from, Open Your Heart, marked the first step into maturity of the band, who took their initial rawness and added a few extra elements to the mix, notably a little surf rock and even country. It made for a fascinating listen as an album, although this more straightforward blast of noise which opens the record is still the highlight for me. It works as a great transition for what came before and what would follow, as well as being an exhilarating listen.


Animals as Leaders, Another Year (2014)

Constant experimentation is what makes Animals as Leaders standout from their peers in the world of instrumental progressive metal. Here, these virtuoso musicians expertly weave some Latin and electronic elements into their traditional technical melodic riffing-driven attack with delightfully catchy results.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #100-91

Post by NSpan »

Before I get into commenting on song choices, I just wanted to say HELLO to all my old friends here. I've missed this crew of misfits.

I'm still pretty accessible on social media (facebook and twitter) for anyone who feels like they haven't heard from me in (literally) years.

I look forward to another classic Reel Society countdown. This will be fun. ;)
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #100-91

Post by Shrykespeare »


Chien - Black Eyes - I haven't seen the movie, and I'm sure the song is impressive on a big screen with surround-sound. On my laptop, it's a rockin' piece of music, but I doubt I'll be returning to it. 5/10

JohnErle - The High Road - Very cool song. Bluesy and old-school. Lady's got a great voice. 6.5/10

Geezer - One Foot On the Gas - I like it. Feels like classic Rancid with some Fishbone thrown in. That's a combo I'd love to see. Great choice. 7/10

Leestu - Dance Yourself Clean - Nine minutes. Whew. It didn't get interesting for me until the three-minute mark, but it kept my attention all the way through. Love the synth, but it did feel a bit overlong. 7/10

NSpan - When the Chips Are Down - After Leestu's song, I'm glad this was blissfully short! Love the swing-y, piano hall vibe to this one. Lyrics were just OK. For some reason, this song reminded me of "Hell" by Squirrel Nut Zippers... 5.5/10

Ron B - Skeleton Dance - Really like this. Groovy beat. 7/10

Screen203 - Bet - She has a nice voice, but the song didn't really do anything for me. 5/10

Six - I Only Think of You - Sorry, Six, lazy, woozy dirges aren't my thing. This bored me to tears. 2/10

Surfer - Turn It Around - Loved the fast pace. It felt like the Ramones filtered through White Stripes.

Transformers - Another Year - Really like this, tranny. Felt like I was listening to a Satriani album (and there'll be a few of his on my list). Didn't feel metal at all. 8/10
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #100-91

Post by Geezer »

This time around I finished the entries from Chien and Surfer,and liked Surfer's quite a bit (liked Chien's too, though it felt a lot like a Soundgarden song without Chris Cornell's magnificent pipes)

Six gets the honor for quickest decision to turn it off, then I skipped ahead, just to verify my decision. And it was. Cheers mate!
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #100-91

Post by Chienfantome »

Alright, time to star listening to all of this.

I had never heard any of the slngs listed #100.
My favorite, by a mile, is Leestu's. That's a great Song, I'll listen to more from this band.
I also liked Screen's NSpan's, John's was easy to listen to. Six was alright.
Not a fan of the others.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #100-91

Post by numbersix »

Geezer wrote:
Six gets the honor for quickest decision to turn it off, then I skipped ahead, just to verify my decision. And it was. Cheers mate!
Ah, it's back to the good ol days!

Listened to everyone's 99s. Chien, I am surprised and disappointed ;)
John's and Geez's tracks were nice but didn't quite keep me engaged.
Tranny, as someone who loves experimental music even I was shouting "WTF??" during your song.
Screen, Dev Hynes is cool and there will be one of his produced songs in my Top 100. Wasn't crazy about this track, but I find it hard to enjoy modern R&B pop in general.
Someone tell NSpan it's the songs of the millennium, not the best Anais Mitchell songs of the millennium.
Leetsu, awesome song, you'll be seeing the least popular LCD song in my top 100!
Ron's song sounded like a lot of bands from that era, but it was fun.
Surf, great choice. Nothing from The Men in my Top 100, but I love that album.
Shryke, much better today!

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