Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

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Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by Shrykespeare »

Hey, guys, Casey Kasem here...


And welcome to "Fantaverse Top 40", the show where we count down the forty favorite songs of sixteen deeply philosophical, wonderfully scattered and disparate, and utterly terrific people, bonded together over countless miles by the universal language that is music. Our "Long Distance Dedication" is coming up later. Let's give a hearty FT40 welcome to Frendo, who is making his debut with us tonight!

Once again, I'm Casey. On with the countdown!

(Disclaimer: Just had to throw this in... I listened to American Top 40 religiously from 1982-1995, when the radio station that played it changed formats and no one else picked it up.)

SONG #40

Joe Satriani, “Flying in a Blue Dream”

Yes, Joe DID have hair at one point. He shaved it off at roughly the same point in time (read: this album) that he decided that he just wasn’t that interested in being primarily a vocalist. Though often criticized as being more of a technician than a musician, with this track he proves that one can be both. I close my eyes and listen to this song, and I feel like I’m soaring over an alien blue ocean at Mach 3. Just gorgeous.

Toadies, “Tyler”

It wasn't easy picking my favorite Toadies song – but, after all is said and done, I think I chose the right one. I've seen the description "the best album you've never heard" in reference to the source of this track – but, if you live in Texas, there was no avoiding these guys in the '90s. To us, they were right up there in pantheon of grunge gods (alongside Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, the Pixies, Primus, Alice in Chains). Not sure why they never got the exposure they deserved beyond the state lines (or, for that matter, beyond the national lines)--but give this a spin or two and tell me if you can explain it. PS. I previously mentioned that I had it on good authority that the Toadies are Evil Dead fans – check out this video for proof. (Note: the video loaded a bit slow for me, so you might want to wait for it to queue up before hitting play. Having it skip when it should be streaming is aggravating as hell).

Explosions in the Sky, “The Moon is Down”

Firstly, props to SS for correctly guessing this song would make my list by me just saying it was a song not from their most recent album. I tip my hat to you, sir. I initially wrote off Explosions as a bunch of Mogwai wannabes, and while the influence is obvious, this song is one of the best examples of what post rock does best. From intimate to exciting, this song is both emotional and rousing. And it’s the drumming that makes it, gently rolling along until after a certain point it picks up pace and just builds and builds, adding touches here and there until it becomes a brilliant explosion of percussion.

System of a Down, “Sugar”

The song that made them, and one that couldn't be further from my last pick from them, remains their best for me. So in your face, loud, angry, and completely original. Love their sound, and well I know there are haters in the audience, and this will do nothing at all to change your mind, so you might as well skip it.

Queen, “The Show Must Go On”

In typical dramatic style Freddie delivers an emotional look into the life of a performer, one of his most revealing songs in my opinion.

Kelly Clarkson, “Breakaway”

Obviously I can't say anything that will make any of you change your minds about her. So there isn't much to say, I'm sure those of you that have followed along understand why I like the content of the song. So I'll just leave it at that.

Mercury Rev, “Car Wash Hair”

To me this song is the equivalent of a dream turned into music. Beautiful sounding mellow vocals and some interesting guitar work that at first you think should probably be louder, but once you know the song well you realize it fits in with the dream/song just right.

Nirvana, “All Apologies”

Howlin' Wolf, “Smokestack Lightnin'”

Supposedly inspired by watching trains in the night, where the sparks would come out of the smokestack, this song is probably the most famous Wolf song (along with Spoonful), with his iconic howl constantly sending a tingle down my spine on each listen. Though described by his contemporary Muddy Waters as someone who possessed a voice with the "sound of heavy machinery operating on a gravel road", what he possessed was an instrument with the ability to hypnotize his audience and sometimes even scare the living daylights out of them! To support his voice a single riff runs through the song, and together they provide what is essentially a distillation of the essence of the blues in all its glory.

Rammstein, “Feuer Frei”
(also englishozzy's #54)

This song is pretty much what Rammstein is all about: kicking ass and making heavy, catchy and just plain fantastic music.

Green Day, “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)”

My favorite (and IMO the best) Green Day song there is.

Linkin Park, "Breaking the Habit”

The first of many songs in my list from my all-time favourite band. Linkin Park really burst on the scene with their unique blend/style of music that got me hooked straight away. One of the few bands that I know all the words to virtually all their songs. This particular one steered away from the more common route the band took.

Prodigy, “Voodoo People (Pendulum Remix)”

The Prodigy have always been at the very least an enjoyable experience for me. They have a few songs that I really enjoy ("Firestarter" and "Breathe") this one though I love. I love the original tune, and with the remixed music it makes it rock a little more. I find it impossible to listen to this song and not get sucked into the beat.

Ron Burgundy
Powderfinger, “Passenger”

Fantastic song, i should have learned how to play guitar, this song almost got me to do that.

Dean Martin, “Sway”

I think everyone knows the French reputation… you know… the one that says we love Jerry Lewis more than any American people could ever understand ? Well, it turns out we’re crazy about Dean Martin too! A very fine actor (Aaaaah, Rio Bravo!), and a “more charming would kill you” singer. I love many of his songs. I really hesitated with “Everybody loves somebody sometimes”, but “Sway” is both is much sexier (yes, it is sexy) and cooler. So I had to choose it. Plus Wong Kar Wai used it in 2046!

Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains, “Church Hymn for the Condemned”

I just was turned on to Johnny Hobo recently (or else he might be higher on the list), and was blown away by the emotion and simple, yet profound lyrics. In the folk-punk genre (like Against Me, another great band...thanks Geez). The CD’s aren’t available to buy at this time, but is downloadable. He was selling CD-R’s online, but is currently in a year long rehab program for heroin (such is the rock n’ roll life). If you like it, also check out his more recent band, Wingnut Dishwashers Union.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by Leestu »

Nspan wrote:
(Note: the video loaded a bit slow for me, so you might want to wait for it to queue up before hitting play. Having it skip when it should be streaming is aggravating as hell).
I have to do this with a lot of the videos picked, including this one, and especially the HD videos. It makes it frustratingly time consuming. But oh well, I probably need a better computer.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by NSpan »

Shrykespeare -- Joe Satriani, “Flying in a Blue Dream” (1989)
I've mentioned that I was bored to death at the Joe Satriani live show I saw... but some of his studio work actually has a semblance of structure and arrangement (rather than aimless noodling)--and this track is one of them (though MAYBE it could stand to be trimmed a tiny bit). Good choice.

Numbersix -- Explosions in the Sky, “The Moon is Down” (2001)
Intriguing for sure... The first two-and-a-half minutes were a bit on the ambient side (which I don't mind as long as it ultimately GOES somewhere). And, as you mentioned, this track DOES culminate into something really unique and interesting. Maybe a bit dreamy for my usual fare, but it was nice. I saw them live a while back--and I enjoyed what I heard--but I never really followed up on diving into their records.

Geezer -- System of a Down, “Sugar”
Just for the record, I listened to the whole thing with an earnest attempt to approach it objectively. I STILL can't see what separates this music from something that Weird Al would create as a parody of the genre.

becs -- Queen, “The Show Must Go On”
This is an example of a premium band way, way past their "Sell By" date. I realize the name of the band is QUEEN--but this was too theatrical for even them. (I normally don't mind their theatrics, but usually they balance it out with some ass-kickery).

leestu -- Mercury Rev, “Car Wash Hair” (1992)
Pleasant and, as you mentioned, it does have a bit of a dreamscape quality to it. I'm gonna listen again tomorrow and see what sticks.

Buscemi -- Nirvana, “All Apologies”
With no explanation comes no response. (Just kidding, good pick).

silversurfer -- Howlin' Wolf, “Smokestack Lightnin'”
Classic. For neophytes, some other introductions to his music (aside from what Surf mentioned) include: "Long Green Stuff," "I Asked for Water (She Gave Me Gasoline), "Sitting on Top of the World," "Back Door Man," "Killing Floor," "How Many More Years," and "Evil."

W -- Green Day, “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)”
My most despised Green Day song. I was going to make a point about "selling out"--but it's not like they were exactly "hardcore" to begin with. Nonetheless, the band responsible for this song (it has a fucking orchestra) should never be allowed anywhere near the word "punk" again.

BarcaRulz -- Prodigy, “Voodoo People (Pendulum Remix)”
Definitely rocked. If it weren't for the "chase" theme of the video, I might call it a bit directionless--but, either way, me likey.

Chienfantome -- Dean Martin, “Sway”
I love this song--but, honestly, I wasn't sure of its title until now. Thank you.

Frendo -- Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains, “Church Hymn for the Condemned”
These vocals were just too grating for me. I think I get where he/they were trying to go with this--but I don't think they quite achieved it.

I posted somewhere around five sets of responses today (I was playing major catchup after a very hectic week), and--as you all know--that's a LOT of music. If I missed a song or two, I apologize. I listened to everything, but I think I missed just a small handful of specific responses.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by Buscemi »

On All Apologies:

Shortly after I met Dennise, I found out that her favorite group was Nirvana and her idol was Kurt Cobain. I then realized, "Oh shit, I hardly know any Nirvana songs". I then listened to four Nirvana albums in a row one Saturday night (Nevermind, In Utero, Bleach and Incesticide, in that order). I felt that In Utero was the best album of the four since it proved that Nirvana had evolved since Nevermind after starting the grunge movement. The album sets Nirvana apart from the rest of the grunge artists of the era. It proves that they were the best and that no one can copy what they started. It is a musical masterpiece.

As for the song, All Apologies was the last song on the album In Utero and therefore the last Nirvana studio recording until Cobain's mysterious death in April 1994 (the coroner said suicide but I, along with many Nirvana fans, believe it was a murder). The whole album is great (Heart Shaped Box is great as well but missed the cut) but the last song is best of the album. It embodies Cobain's quieter side and that he wasn't just this big rock star with the life. He was just a man who was bored with normal life.

A fitting conclusion to the album, the band and Cobain.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Shrykespeare -- Joe Satriani, “Flying in a Blue Dream” (1989)
Wow, what a pick, this guy is good. 7/10

becs -- Queen, “The Show Must Go On”
I think i heard this first in some cartoon movie, no idea what it was, but the song suits the movie better whatever it was. 5/10

W -- Green Day, “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)”
I disagree with Nspan, i didnt mind this less 'hardcore' song of theirs, not bad but not top 40 material id say. 6/10

BarcaRulz -- Prodigy, “Voodoo People (Pendulum Remix)”
I really think this is one of the few improved remixes of the Prodigy, great pick. 8/10

Linkin Park, "Breaking the Habit”
I really likes Linkin Park when they first came on the scene, and their secong album was good too just not listened to as much. However, somehow this song got way overplayed and in the end i could only think 'meh', but dont get me wrong its not a bad song. 6.5/10

Kelly Clarkson, “Breakaway”
Please, stop this insanity UDM! She may be able to sing, but its just pop crap, to me that is. I know there is good in you UDM! 1/10

I too apologise for not commenting on more, but i dont have the internet at home nor the time. NSPan, you're doin a lot better than me, keep it up mate! R.I.P KCobain
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by Shrykespeare »

My thoughts (in order of preference):

transformers – Rammstein, “Feuer Frei” – Well, you already know I love this song. Not sure about the video, though. I mean, seriously? Legos?! (10)

becs – Queen, “The Show Must Go On” – There's just something so majestic and powerful about Queen. Their vocals are so unbridled and primal, and this is a prime example. Great choice. (8)

englishozzy – Linkin Park, “Breaking the Habit” – I'm not that into Linkin Park, but I'm amazed that this is only the SECOND song of theirs we've heard so far. (The other was “Papercut”, tranny's #89.) And I would have thought that their style of music would be right in the wheelhouse of quite a few people here. Am I wrong? Or will there be a lot of LP coming up later? Anyway, this is a cool song, cooler video. (7)

Barca Rulz – Prodigy, “Voodoo People (Pendulum Remix)” – I like Prodigy, and I like this song... just not sure I'll remember it a week from now. I like it now, though. (7)

Buscemi – Nirvana, “All Apologies” – This always kind of felt like a throwaway song to me, but I did like this acoustic version. (7)

W – Green Day, “Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)” – I think it was this song where Green Day started to really explore the boundaries of their music, and take the next step to superstardom. That being said, it's not one of my favorites of theirs. Post-“Dookie”, my faves are “Warning”, “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”, and of course “American Idiot”. (6)

NSpan – Toadies, “Tyler” – I gotta confess, until this video, I realized that I had never actually SEEN what the guys in the band actually LOOK like. I gotta admit, they're a lot more straight-laced-looking than I thought. Not that that's a knock, Weezer are too, and we know how many people here feel about THEM. As for the song itself, it was okay, but I think there's something about this song/video that I'm just not getting on the molecular level. (5)

silversurfer – Howlin' Wolf, “Smokestack Lightnin'” – Nice and bluesy, pretty good harmonica too. But I beg to differ from your description in the other thread. THIS is the most intimidating performer ever: ... GhnzjXmILE I double-dog-DARE you to deny it. (5)

Chienfantome – Dean Martin, “Sway” – Good on you, garcon. Turn up the Dino, and bring me another chateaubriand, will you? (Grin.) (5)

Ron Burgundy – Powderfinger, “Passenger” – Is it just me, or does the lead singer look like the love child of Michael Hutchence and Mark Wahlberg? (Song was just okay.) (5)

undeadmonkey – Kelly Clarkson, “Breakaway” – I do like some of Kelly's stuff, but not this one. (4)

leestu – Mercury Rev, “Car Wash Hair” – This was... interesting. The vocal tones reminded me of Dream Academy's “Life in a Northern Town” (how's that for an 80's reference?). The guitars tried hard to reach that part of 90's alternative bliss that I love so much, but it didn't quite get there. And the lyrics, cute at first, just got bogged down with the constant repetition. (4)

numbersix – Explosions in the Sky, “The Moon is Down” – I'll give you that the drumming in the last third of the song was excellent, but it took SOOOOO long to get there. I actually had to get up from the computer and straighten up the living room so I would have something to do while this was playing. (4)

Geezer – System of a Down, “Sugar” – This annoyed me on pretty much every level. (3)

Frendo – Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains, “Church Hymn For the Condemned” – Yikes, Frendo. Not a good start for you... that guy's voice is one of the most nasal and annoying I ever remember hearing. That was, like, Dead Milkmen annoying. (2)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by NSpan »

Shrykespeare wrote:THIS is the most intimidating performer ever: ... GhnzjXmILE I double-dog-DARE you to deny it.
Ha! Good point. I may have asked, but have you ever seen Jarmusch's "Stranger Than Paradise"?
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by frendo »

Shrykespeare wrote: Frendo – Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains, “Church Hymn For the Condemned” – Yikes, Frendo. Not a good start for you... that guy's voice is one of the most nasal and annoying I ever remember hearing. That was, like, Dead Milkmen annoying. (2)
Ha! I actually like the Dead Milkmen and alot of underground punk, which probably explains it. Def not for everyone.

I'll have to listen and comment on people's tomorrow. Wrote a shitload today and tired. Glad to see I won't have to pull any punches though...

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by numbersix »

Shrykespeare: Joe Satriani, “Flying in a Blue Dream” (1989) - Well, I've been pretty vocal about how I'm not a fan of excessive, show-off guitar solo-ing and this is just another prime example. The rhythm section was nice, though.

NSpan: Toadies, “Tyler” (1994) - I really like this song, and I've listened to a few songs off that Feeler album you uploaded, so thanks for introducing them to me. To answer your question about why they never made the big time, my best guess from listening to this song is that it does sound a little too much like a Pixies-wannabe band, and I imagine there were a hell of a lot of similar bands around at the time. If these guys had been around about 10 years ago they may have been a lot more popular.

Geezer: System of a Down, “Sugar” - I can't tell whether I appreciate these guys for being all over the place, or whether they're being all over the place solely to sound different (and yes, that is a negative thing). Stupid lyrics too.

becs: Queen, “The Show Must Go On” - Sure it's bombastic and over-the-top, but that's Queen for ya. It's hard not to associate the song with Mercury's life and that makes the song poignant.

undeadmonkey: Kelly Clarkson, “Breakaway” Gah. There are millions of songs about being in small towns and wanting to get out, so I don't think lyrics alone can make a person love a song. and as for the music, it's the blandest, most uninteresting type of music around. Seriously, how can you distinguish this from all the other American Idol winners and runners up who have sung similar songs?

leestu: Mercury Rev, “Car Wash Hair” (1992) - I like the dreamy, shoegazer element of this song. Reminds me a lot of Galaxie 500 or maybe early Flaming Lips. Nice.

Buscemi: Nirvana, “All Apologies” - A very good song. Not my favourite, but again proof that Nirvana could do more than write "grunge" songs.

silversurfer: Howlin' Wolf, “Smokestack Lightnin'” - The problem I have with blues songs is that they're very repetitive, and some sound like they're going on forever because of that. However, this song isn't an example of that, mostly because I really like the riff and the vocals.

transformers: Rammstein, “Feuer Frei” (also englishozzy's #54) - Still sound like a joke band to me.

W: Green Day, “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)” - I knew it was onyl a matter of time before this turned up. I suspect it'll appear ina few Top 10's. This song was so popular, and interesting it was used in a lot of funerals for teenager around that time. It's not a bad song, the lyrics are kinda nice, but there's not enough to make me hate it or love it.

englishozzy: Linkin Park, "Breaking the Habit” - well, it's more muted than most Linkin Park stuff I know, so it's not as unbearably bad. But I still don't like it. I'm beginning to notice that I don't like bands with typos or poor grammar in their names.

BarcaRulz: Prodigy, “Voodoo People (Pendulum Remix)” - While I don't like dance music at all, I have a soft spot for this song. It's just a pity you prefer the remix, as I think it's an awful on. It just sounds like a GarageBand drum beat thrown on top of the song, and very poorly mixed together. The original had a much better sound, and pace.

Ron Burgundy: Powderfinger, “Passenger” - This one was totally forgettable for me.

Chienfantome: Dean Martin, “Sway” - Well it's better than That's amore, but I still find it cheesy. Perhaps it's because I always felt that while these crooners have great voices, I just don't feel that they believe in what they're singing about. It's just a job for them. It's all show and no real emotion. It did remind me of 2046, a film I must rewatch.

Frendo: Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains, “Church Hymn for the Condemned” - Wasn't a big fan of the music, and especially the vocals. And the lyrics reminded me of when I was a teenager and "hated" god, just because I was having a hard time. Maybe if I heard this at the time I'd like it, but now it just comes across as childish.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by numbersix »

Buscemi wrote:the coroner said suicide but I, along with many Nirvana fans, believe it was a murder.
What's the basis of that argument? I've seen that Kurt and Courtney documentary which I consider to be awful as a piece of documentary. The maker seemed lost in a haze of heroin. Even he sounded high throughout most of it! All it was was a bunch of half-baked arguments, coincidences and crazies who don't deserve attention. And the two main issues, the high levels of heroin in Cobain's system, and the extra writing on his letter, don't amount enough as an argument for murder to me. Plus, there's the issue that Cobain was growing increasingly disturbed by the media attention and was NOT a happy chap.

I do agree that In Utero is a masterpiece, though!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by Buscemi »

Here's one reason to believe it's a murder: Courtney Love's sanity. No one can go that crazy from the death of a spouse (unless you're Roman Polanski but that's a different matter completely). She is definitely hiding something.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by numbersix »

Ha! Well, to be honest she was always a bit nuts even before she was with Kurt.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by englishozzy »

Shrykespeare - Joe Satriani, “Flying in a Blue Dream”
Some nice guitar work in this song, would love to of had some lyrics to go with it though. 6/10
NSpan - Toadies, “Tyler”
I can say that i haven't heard of these guys but the song itself is pretty familiar, the sort of music i grew up on, was pretty good. 7/10
Numbersix - Explosions in the Sky, “The Moon is Down”
Not quite as enjoyable as i hoped as it started off pretty well. Kinda lost interest half way through unfortunately. 4/10
Geezer- System of a Down, “Sugar”
Have not found a SOAD song i don't like and i dont think i ever will, great band. 7/10
becs - Queen, “The Show Must Go On”
I haven't actually heard this Queen song before so totally new for me. Liked it. 7/10
undeadmonkey - Kelly Clarkson, “Breakaway”
Yes, well not really my thing. 2/10
leestu - Mercury Rev, “Car Wash Hair”
It was OK, nothing from the song really stood out to me. 4/10
Buscemi - Nirvana, “All Apologies”
Pretty good Nirvana song, nice touch to have a live version as your video. 6/10
silversurfer - Howlin' Wolf, “Smokestack Lightnin'”
Not normally into the Blues music and only something i would normally listen to in the background but this song was too catchy not to enjoy. 7/10
transformers - Rammstein, “Feuer Frei”
Classic Rammstein, love the song. 9/10
W - Green Day, “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)”
Cant complain about your choice here, have it on my list but a lot higher. 10/10
BarcaRulz - Prodigy, “Voodoo People (Pendulum Remix)”
I probably prefer the studio version to this one better but still a good song. 6/10
Ron Burgundy - Powderfinger, “Passenger”
Sorry but never really been a fan of this band and this song didnt really change my mind. 3/10
Chienfantome - Dean Martin, “Sway”
No doubt a classic song but im afraid this song didnt really do anything for me. 3/10
Frendo - Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains, “Church Hymn for the Condemned”
Liked th lyrics but that was really the only thing it had going for me. 2/10
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by transformers2 »

Shryke I thought the Lego video was really stupid and hillarious so I thought why not send it in as the link.

Shrykespeare: Joe Satriani, “Flying in a Blue Dream”
There you go Shryke! Satriani is one of the finest guitar players ever. This has always been a favorite of mine by him. Great pick.

NSpan: Toadies, “Tyler”
I am kind of indifferent about the Toadies. Kind of have conflicting feelings about this track.

Numbersix: Explosions in the Sky, “The Moon is Down”
I like Post-Rock and all but this song really doesn't go anywhere. Yes the drumming is excellent but its just really overblown.

Geezer: System of a Down, “Sugar”
Awesome pick. Another one of my faves by SOAD. Really catchy,memorable and spastic.

becs: Queen, “The Show Must Go On”
Good pick. Very underated Queen song. It is quite powerful for a Queen especially if you reflect on Mercury's life while listening.

undeadmonkey: Kelly Clarkson, “Breakaway”
At least Kelly Clarkson is nice to look at....

leestu: Mercury Rev, “Car Wash Hair”
Wasn't really my thing.

Buscemi: Nirvana, “All Apologies”
Not one of my favorites by Nirvana but it still quite good.

silversurfer: Howlin' Wolf, “Smokestack Lightnin'”
This is the best blues song I have ever heard. Blues isn't typically my thing but this was fantastic.

W: Green Day, “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)”
This is an ok song. One of the worst songs from Green Day's glory days. It is a great showcase for Billie Joe's voice but other than that not much else to like. Still better than the past 2 piece of shit records that they have put out.

englishozzy: Linkin Park, "Breaking the Habit”
Everything you said about Linkin Park I completey agree with. I love everything off Hybrid Theory and Metora but I really hated Minutes To Midnight. Back to this song Love it really shows off Linkin Park's range as a band.

BarcaRulz: Prodigy, “Voodoo People (Pendulum Remix)”
Not bad but I am not crazy about dance music.

Ron Burgundy: Powderfinger, “Passenger”
Echo what ozzy said. I have never liked this band.

Chienfantome: Dean Martin, “Sway”
I really don't enjoy Dean Martin at all. So cheesy.

Frendo: Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains, “Church Hymn for the Condemned”
Music was pretty good but the vocal were obnoxious. I got excited at first because I am big fan Of Against Me! as well but this really didn't do much for me.
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Norman Bates
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Post by W »

Buscemi wrote:Here's one reason to believe it's a murder: Courtney Love's sanity. No one can go that crazy from the death of a spouse (unless you're Roman Polanski but that's a different matter completely). She is definitely hiding something.
Am I reading into this right? You're saying a death of a spouse can't turn you into a drugged up hooker right away, but it can make you molest children after 8 years? Or are you saying something completely different?
Tenet: Criterion Edition. Now with more Backwards Man.

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