Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - THE #1s

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - THE #1s

Post by Shrykespeare »


Though you tended to show the most disgust for MY selections than anyone (still love ya), I couldn't feel the same revulsion in return. Granted, there's very little music that I've heard that I actively dislike (though I'm really not looking forward to critiquing tranny's list as a whole, gulp), so don't be offended when I say that most of your choices ranged from "meh" to "liked a little bit" (5.0-7.0 on my scale). There were are few surprises, though, which I've listed below. All of them were new to me except for David and Johnny.

96. Blanck Mass, No Lite
94. Peaches, Lovertits
79. Interpol, Take You on a Cruise
48. HEALTH, Die Slow
43. Caribou, Odessa
42. David Bowie, Blackstar
34. Johnny Cash, Hurt
15. The Shins, Australia
8. Animal Collective, My Girls
5. Protomartyr, Scum, Rise
4. PJ Harvey, On Battleship Hill
2. The Arcade Fire, Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)

Your #1 by Iceage was quite good, and I'd give it a solid 7/10. The guy's voice reminds me a lot of Jim Morrison. The instrumentals are a bit gloomy, like much of classic Doors. Overall, a good choice. But... no bagpipes?? (ducking)
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - THE #1s

Post by Shrykespeare »


There came a point about halfway through when I wondered if you, Six, and Leestu all shared the same brain. Like our resident Irishman, most of your choices failed to move the needle much in either direction. There were a few choices, however, that I actively liked and have since returned to:

The best:
98. My Morning Jacket, Gideon (seriously, if you haven't checked out Level 42's "Turn it On", do so)
83. Eagulls, Nerve Endings
76. Thee Oh Sees, The Dream
64. Big Thief, Shark Smile
23. Perfume Genius, Dark Parts
16. Bloc Party, Banquet
10. Radiohead, Nude
7. Vampire Weekend, A-Punk

Was kind of surprised to see White Stripes as your #1 song. Obviously, I've heard it before. Too many times. Thankfully, I've had time to distance myself from it since it was, like, the only thing on the radio, so I can appreciate it anew. It's really good, catchy AF, and indelibly etched onto the face of rock and roll. Can't fault your pick at all. A solid 7.5/10.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - THE #1s

Post by Shrykespeare »

Ron B:

What can I say about your list? We had eight crossovers. EIGHT. That just blows my mind. (We might have had ten if you'd had a #10 or #11 song... just saying). Obviously, we have many similar tastes, and in the instances where our tastes diverged, I still like much of what you had to offer. Seriously. I have eleven crossovers TOTAL with the whole of this group, and eight were yours. That should say I all I need to say. I'm so glad you took part in this countdown, or I would have felt like an alien from the planet Rollyoureyesatme most of the time.

Our crossovers:
98. MGMT, Time to Pretend
73. 50 Cent, In Da Club
51. Gorillaz, Stylo
44. Gotye, Thanks For Your Time
36. OutKast, Hey Ya
27. Gorillaz, DARE
25. Eminem, The Real Slim Shady
8. Eminem, Without Me

Other great stuff, many of which were new to me:
96. Parcels, Comedown
93. Tame Impala, Let it Happen
91. Neon Indian, Polish Girl
87. Franz Ferdinand, Take Me Out
85. The Temper Trap, Sweet Disposition
82. DMAs, Time and Money (Probably my favorite of the NTM songs)
77. Nine Inch Nails, Only (This would have been in my Top 150)
58. The Arcade Fire, Everything Now
53. Keane, Nothing In My Way
50. Eminem, Lose Yourself (also in my Top 150)
48. Boy and Bear, Harlequin Dream
46. The Chemical Brothers, Galvanize
40. RUFUS, Underwater
18. M83, Midnight City
4. Tool, The Pot

Wow. That's a LOT.

As to your #1... well, surprisingly, I'd never heard this Eminem song before. It's a little strange, for all the reasons already elaborated on, that the guy is pissed because he's famous... anyway, it's entertaining, showcasing his exceptional lyrical legerdemain like most of his early-career stuff.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - THE #1s

Post by Leestu »

1. Car Seat Headrest, "Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales" (2016)

To my family and closest friends this song as my number one will comes as no surprise. I was obsessed with this album when it came out, and it is now in my top ten of all time alongside such classic artists as Pixies, Nirvana, The Velvet Underground, Pink Floyd, and Modest Mouse. Three Car Seat Headrest albums are my favourite album of their relevant years, I have seen them live twice, and have three of their band shirts.

On to the song itself and the reasons why this is my favourite song of the millenium.
First off is the genre. I spent most of my musically formative years with indie rock as my predominant taste, with the sub genre of lo-fi indie one of my favourite types of indie rock, however after the heyday of the '90s, it became a bit stale and bland in this millennium, (apart from a few notable exceptions) and Car Seat Headrest brought a freshness back and reinvigorated my love for lo-fi indie. Although this song is more polished than their early works there is still the minimalist but aurally pleasing guitars and the imperfect vocals that are a common trait in the genre. But then halfway through the song there is a pop element with a rousing sing along chorus. Who didn't start their love of music with pop songs on the radio? So even though most of us move away from pop as we grow older, that love of a catchy hook of a pop chorus is still there.
This leads me on to the next thing I love about this song - the songwriting itself. To seamlessly turn a lo-fi indie song into a pop song, and then back again, and make it sound like the natural development of the song, is in my opinion some quality songwriting. Speaking of songwriting the lyrics are also worth mentioning. There are some clever one-liners - "We are not a proud race, It's not a race at all", "You share the same fate as the people you hate", 'Here's that voice in your head, Giving you shit again, But you know he loves you, And he doesn't mean to cause you pain" - a simple, worthwhile, overall message on the surface - don't drink and drive - that sadly still needs to be said over and over again, and underneath the surface there are layers of things this song is saying about change, and being a better person. The more you listen, the more you might find and get out of the song. Despite the moaning, whining tone of the song, lyrically it is a very positive song.
From the lyrics I'll move on to the singer singing them. Three qualities I find in my favourite singers are 1. A distinctive voice - Will Toledo has a voice like no other that I believe I would always recognise. Others may come to sound similar to him that I might mistakenly think was him, but I doubt I would ever mistakenly think he was someone else. 2. Passion/emotion in the vocal delivery. He delivers this in spades all the time...whatever emotion he is trying to bring to the song I hear that in his voice. 3. Imperfection. I love the real, raw, rough, honesty of singers that don't have perfect voices, like myself lol, and Will is no Jeff Buckley.
I think I've waffled enough so I'll just finish by saying ultimately it is just a fun song to sing along to, that is also interesting, and never gets boring to me no matter how many times I've heard it now.
As a final aside I would just like to mention that Car Seat Headrest is the main reason I imposed restrictions on myself on selecting songs, for all your sake, otherwise they would have had the top 6 slots on my list from number one to number six, all from this album, with Tame Impala relegated to number seven.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - THE #1s

Post by Shrykespeare »


Your love of indie music - including a lot of Aussie bands I'd never heard of - kind of inadvertently threw you into the same mixing bowl as Six and Surfer. Maybe that's unfair, maybe not. But the result is the same. I did not actively dislike 90% of your list, but only a scant few earned high marks for me. If I had to pick a favorite, it would probably be No Halo by Sorority Noise. It had that retro 90s alt-rock sound that I cut my musical teeth on.

70. FIDLAR, 40 oz. on Repeat
62. Ben Folds, Rockin' the Suburbs
36. Tool, Schism
30. RUFUS, Innerbloom
26. Parquet Courts, Almost Had To Start A Fight / In and Out Of Patience
19. Sorority Noise, No Halo
2. Tame Impala, Let it Happen

I have actually heard the CSH song you picked as your fave, believe it or not. It's good, very singable, and I won't argue with any of your points about why it's great or why it's your fave. Like all the CSH songs you've showcased, I found it passable.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - THE #1s

Post by Geezer »

My turn, but first, a recap, including the 50 you didn't get to hear here:

2. Black Me Out – Against Me!
3. The '59 Sound – The Gaslight Anthem
4. Clear the Air – Off With Their Heads
5. Pints of Guinness Make You Strong – Against Me!
6. Waiting – Green Day
7. Nights Like These – Lucero
8. Here at the Starlite - Lucero
9. Hear You Me – Jimmy Eat World
10. Sometime Around Midnight – Airborne Toxic Event

11. We Did It All For Don – Against Me!
12. Gates – the Menzingers
13. Stay Together For The Kids – Blink-182
14. You, In Weird Cities – Jeff Rosenstock
15. Because of the Shame – Against Me!
16. The Thrash Particle – Modern Baseball
17. Darby's Song - Lucero
18. 50th and Western – Red City Radio
19. I Still Believe – Frank Turner
20. Behind Closed Doors – Rise Against

21. Cliche Gueverra – Againt Me!
22. Mexican Guitars – The Menzingers
23. Blue Jeans and White T-Shirts – The Gaslight Anthem
24. Recovery - Frank Turner
25. Fat Lip – Sum 41
26. Captain Kelly's Kitchen – Dropkick Murphys
27. Show Me On The Doll Where the Music Touched You – Red City Radio
28. Thrash Unreal – Against Me!
29. Sunday Morning - The Menzingers
30. The War – Lucero

31. Drunken Lullabyes - Flogging Molly
32. Great Expectations – The Gaslight Anthem
33. The Dirty Glass – Dropkick Murphys
34. True Trans Soul Rebel – Against Me!
35. Sorrow - Bad Religion
36. Molly – Lil Dicky
37. Stupid Kid - Alkaline Trio
38. Jesus Of Suburbia – Green Day
39. Roulette – System Of A Down
40. A Little Less 16 Candles, A Little More “Touch Me” - Fall Out Boy

41. 23 – Jimmy Eat World
42. Fine, Great – Modern Baseball
43. Nightlife – Off With Their Heads
44. The Obituaries – Menzingers
45. Prayer of the Refugee – Rise Against
46. Get Old Forever – Jeff Rosenstock
47. Get Better – Frank Turner
48. Deer Dance – System Of A Down
49. Handwritten – The Gaslight Anthem
50. Mr. Brightside – The Killers

51. Hospital for Heroes – Direct Hit!
52. I Don't Wanna Be an Asshole Anymore - The Menzingers
53. We Laugh at Danger and Break All the Rules – Against Me!
54. Like a Stone – Audioslave
55. Drink Til We're Gone – Lucero
56. Applebees Bar – Spraynard
57. Kill – Jimmy Eat World
58. Daylight – Matt and Kim
59. Sunshine Highway –Dropkick Murphys
60. I Was Born – Menzingers

61. Toxicity – System Of A Down
62. Die Today – Off With Their Heads
63. Eleanor – Chumped
64. Walking is Still Honest – Against Me!
65. 45 – The Gaslight Anthem
66. Nausea – Jeff Rosenstock
67. Don't Take Me For Granted – Social Distortion
68. My Best Girl – Lucero
69. Buried Alive – Direct Hit!
70. St. Jimmy – Green Day

71. Don't Make Me Go – Off With Their Heads
72. The Warrior's Code – Dropkick Murphys
73. This Year – The Mountain Goats
74. Chop Suey! - System Of A Down
75. Good Things – Menzingers
76. Searching For a Former Clarity – Against Me!
77. My Sundown – Jimmy Eat World
78. In the Meantime – Red City Radio
79. Survive – Rise Against
80. Start Walking – Off With Their Heads

81. Lookers - The Menzingers
82. Sequestered in Memphis – The Hold Steady
83. Montreal – Captain We're Sinking
84. Tears Don't Matter Much – Lucero
85. Transgender Dysphoria Blues – Against Me!
86. Something About Lemons - Chumped
87. Your Graduation – Modern Baseball
88. Still Breathing – Green Day
89. Wake Up – Arcade Fire
90. Sophomore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year – Fall Out Boy

91. Two Notes Shy of an Octave – Red City Radio
92. We Came To Dance – The Gaslight Anthem
93. Mom - Lucero
94. Rivalries – Menzingers
95. Give It All – Rise Against
96. Iron Chic – Wolf Dix Rd
97. Times Like These – Foo Fighters
98. First Date – Blink-182
99. One Foot on the Gas, One Foot in the Grave - Streetlight Manifesto
100. Passing Through a Screen Door – The Wonder Years

101. Drawing Room – Katie Ellen
102. Janie – Off With Their Heads
103. Little Lion Man – Mumford and Sons
104. Beer Can – Captain We're Sinking
105. Tears Over Beers – Modern Baseball
106. Reckless Abandon – Blink-182
107. Fields of Athenry – Dropkick Murphys
108. 1930 – The Gaslight Anthem
109. Innocence – The Airborne Toxic Event
110. Work –Jimmy Eat World

111. Hey Darlin' Do You Gamble – Lucero
112. Reinventing Axl Rose – Against Me!
113. Your Wild Years – The Menzingers
114. The Patient Ferris Wheel – The Gaslight Anthem
115. Ocean Avenue – Yellowcard
116. TV Dreams – Katie Ellen
117. Electricity – Red City Radio
118. In Too Deep – Sum 41
119. Mr. Chainsaw - Alkaline Trio
120. What's Left of the Flag – Flogging Molly

121. The Devil in My Bloodstream – The Wonder Years
122. From Her Lips to God's Ears (The Energizer) – Against Me!
123. Your Deep Rest – the Hotelier
124. Slow Dancing – Lucero
125. Yeah Yeah - Matt and Kim
126. Jackie Lee – Off With Their Heads
127. We Will Fall Together – Streetlight Manifesto
128. Like The Angel – Rise Against
129. The Rock Show – Blink-182
130. Sweetness – Jimmy Eat World

131. The Middle – Jimmy Eat World
132. Fell In Love With a Girl – The White Stripes
133. Outside – Staind
134. Midwestern States – The Menzingers
135. ...I'll Catch a Ride – Red City Radio
136. Time to Go – Dropkick Murphys
137. I Believe in a Thing Called Love – The Darkness
138. Aerials – System Of A Down
139. Dope Nose – Weezer
140. Artificial Confidence – Direct Hit!

141. All I Ever Wanted – Airborne Toxic Event
142. It's Been Awhile – Staind
143. Wish You Were Here – Incubus
144. Girl's Not Grey – AFI
145. Wave Goodnight To Me – Jeff Rosenstock
146. Private Eye – Alkaline Trio
147. In the End – Linkin Park
148. Time Tables – The Menzingers
149. Lionheart – Pup
150. Out Here All Night - Damone
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - THE #1s

Post by Geezer »

First I'll start by saying thank you to everyone for participating, and especially for Shryke for hosting this whole thing, and hounding us all for submissions week after week. I know I slacked off here at the end, I just needed a break. I promise, I will get around to the last 16 or 17 rounds, wherever I left off. So if you care about my thoughts, I will have them posted on the threads eventually.

1.The Menzingers - “Casey” (2012)

That being said, what a long strange trip it's been. And here we are, at my number one track. Now I will tell you, this is not going to blow anyone's mind. If you don't generally like my picks, nothing in here is going to change your mind. It is pretty much, the epitome of everything that I have posted before it. Like I mentioned, I think this song checks just about every one of the commonalities that you've seen in my songs throughout the countdown. Mid-paced punk song with pop undertones? Absolutely. Best experienced live in a crowd of like-minded individuals singing along? Most definitely. “Shouty bits?” You bet. Nostalgic lyrics, especially involving past romantic relationships? Check. References to drinking and/or drugs? Oh yeah. Lyrics that involve depression? You got it ('Cuz it was so much easier than dealing with everything). Am I missing anything here? Up above we have the album version of the song.

This has been my favorite Menzingers song from the very first time I listened to On the Impossible Past, and I have only grown to love it more. I remember exactly how excited I was the first time I saw them live. I'll never forget that night. It was at the Middle East downstairs in Cambridge (Only tranny is going know what I'm talking about, but I'm including it anyway). That was a pretty big room for them back in 2013 (less than 600 people). Now they can sell out venues 5 times the size. It's funny because as I was going back and forth between my top two songs, it was the same week of the anniversary of that show and I was scrolling through my facebook memories just days before and reminiscing about it. It was a genuinely life-altering experience. And it just so happens that there is live, video footage of this song being performed at THAT show, on the internet. There's actually two versions of it. This one, the sound quality actually doesn't suck! So that's the one I'm going to suggest you watch. The other one it totally does, which is a shame, because you can totally see my brother John in it almost the entire time as it was filmed from way closer (probably why the sound sucks). You can see him here too, at the bottom left, right up front in the backwards Boston Bruins cap. I'm next to him on the right, but I'm about 8 inches shorter than him so I don't stick out so much in a crowd, but you can definitely see my hand go up at 31 seconds.

I've said before that On The Impossible Past has been my most listened to album of the last twenty years, and the genuine soundtrack of my twenties. I just listened to it front to back again today and it holds up every bit as good as it ever did. But from the very first listen, it was always Casey that connected with me more than any other song on the album. I know I'm not alone. It gets one of the best crowd reactions every time they play it, and I've never seen a show where it wasn't on the setlist. I can listen to this song again and again and again and I never get tired of it. It is perfect to me.

I had never heard the story behind the song until today actually, while I was going through youtube results of different performances of the song. I think it's pretty cool, and really makes sense considering everything else I know about the Menzingers. In this clip, they tell that story, and then play a way more subdued, stripped down version of the song that some of you may enjoy more. Give this a try:

So there you have it, we've reached the end of my list, and I hope it wasn't too torturous for some of you. I know it was for Six, but maybe the rest of you found something in my collection of the best of modern punk (with a few other things thrown in as well). In conclusion, I just can't wait for the day that I can hear these songs the way they are meant to be heard soon, in a crowd of my punk rock brethren, arm in arm, screaming at the top of my lungs and covered in sweat. Music has the power to save the world, if only we let it.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - THE #1s

Post by transformers2 »

Sorry for the delay on this guys.
Leestu's Top 100 Songs of the Millennium:
100.Grandaddy-This How It Always Starts
99.LCD Soundsystem-Dance Yourself Clean
98.Peter Bjorn and John-Young Folks
97.The Peep Tempel-Carol
96.Bright Eyes-Road to Joy
95.Machine Gun Fellatio-Unsent Letter
94.Sweet Trip-Chocolate Matter
92.The Vines-Get Free
91.Animal Collective-Cuckoo Cuckoo

90.Yeah Yeah Yeahs-Maps
89.Spiritualized-Lord Can You Hear Me
88.The Strokes-Last Nite
87.LCD Soundsystem-Losing My Edge
86.The Walkmen-The Rat
85.Groudplove-Borderlines and Aliens
84.The National-Afraid of Everyone
83.Kurt Vile-Pretty Pimpin
82.Tame Impala-Elephant
81.Outkast-Ms. Jackson

80.Thee Oh Sees-The Dream
79.Grinderman-Heathen Child
78.The Flaming Lips-Do You Realize??
77.Foals-What Went Down
76.Josh Pyke-Middle of the Hill
75.The Vasco Era-Honey Bee (When It Was Making Weird Love Songs)
74.Coaltar of the Deepers-STAR LOVE
73.Children Collide-Farewell Rocket Ship
72.Mclusky-To Hell with Good Intentions
71.Gossip-Standing in the Way of Control

70.FILDAR-40 Oz. On Repeat
69.Augie March-One Crowded Hour
68.Thee Oh Sees-Static God
67.Pond-Don't Look at the Sun or You'll Go Blind
66.Eddy Current Suppression Ring-Gentleman
64.Hobo Johnson-Typical Story
63.Gold Connections-New Religion
62.Ben Folds-Rockin' the Suburbs
61.Cage the Elephant-Rubber Ball

60.Cloud Nothings-Wasted Days
59.Something for Kate-Deja Vu
58.Death Grips-On GP
57.The Wombats-Let's Dance to Joy Division
56.Powderfinger-My Happiness
55.Camp Cope-Done
54.You Am I-Damage
53.Modest Mouse-3rd Planet
51.Grinderman-No Pussy Blues

50.M.I.A.-Paper Planes
49.The Airborne Toxic Event-Sometime Around Midnight
48.Gang of Youths-The Deepest Sighs, The Frankest Shadows
47.Car Seat Headrest-Beach Life-n-Death
46.Viet Cong-Death
45.Perfume Genius-Queen
44.Ought-Today More Than Any Other Day
43.Bo Ningen-Henkan
42.Kaiser Chiefs-Never Miss A Beat
41.Parquet Courts-Black and White

40.King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard-Head On/Pill
39.FIDLAR-By Myself
38.Ball Park Music-Pariah
37.Pinegrove-Old Friends
34.King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard-Self-Immolate
33.Big Scary-The Opposite of Us
32.System of a Down-Chop Suey!
31.The White Stripes-Seven Nation Army

29.Modest Mouse-Parting of the Sensory
28.Cable Ties-The Producer
27.The Drones-I See Seaweed
26.Parquet Courts-Almost Had to Start a Fight/In and Out of Patience
25.Ty Seagall-She
24.Modest Mouse-Float On
23.The Smith Street Band-Young Drunk
22.Parquet Courts-Stoned and Starving
21.Ponds-Man It Feels Like Space Again

20.Tropical Fuck Storm-Rubber Bullies
19.Sorority Noise-No Halo
18.The Smith Street Band-Passiona
17.Deafheaven-Canary Yellow
16.Car Seat Headrest-Cute Thing
15.King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard-Nuclear Fusion
14.Violent Soho-Covered in Chrome
13.The Smith Street Band-Don't Fuck With Our Dreams
12.My Chemical Romance-Welcome to the Black Parade

10.Violent Soho-Viceroy
9.Silversun Pickups-Lazy Eye
8.Pond-Giant Tortoise
7.Thee Oh See-Toe Cutter-Thumb Buster
6.LCD Soundsystem-All My Friends
5.At the Drive-In-Invalid Letter Dept.
4.The Drones-Shark Fin Blues
3.Green Day-Jesus of Suburbia
2.Tame Impala-Let It Happen
1.Car Seat Headrest-Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - THE #1s

Post by numbersix »


So you were the person I thought would be reliable, having known your taste across other music lists before. This time I sat back and said, "well, no matter what happens, Surf, Chien, and Leets will be solid". 1 out of 3 is bad.

Okay, to be fair it's not that your list was bad. But it was full of stuff I didn't expect and didn't like. A lot of pop punk or Aussie pub rock that I was just so indifferent to (it's clear you very much engage with yor local scene, which I totally respect, although in comparison to global stuff it didn't stand out. BTW, why no picks from the likes of Total Control or Primo?). Or Ben Folds who I can't stand. It just felt so.... "meh" to me. Especially when juxtaposed with some of your other picks, which were inspired. You had Grinderman, Thee Oh Sees, Ty Segall, King Gizzard, Viet Cong, Perfume Genius, all of which are stunning. But the stuff I didn't know didn't quite hit the spot for me.

And you had a lot of love for some superb acts. Parquet Courts are so good, and have made amazing post-punk records and impressed me live so much last decade. We both had Almost Had to Start A Fight on our lists. You also are a big fan of Modest Mouse, a band I respect tremendously, even their later phase with such underappreciated masterpieces like Parting of the Sensory. And LCD Soundsystem of course. Overall we had 6 crossovers, which is 2nd after Surf's.

As for your #1, it makes complete sense to me. I remember you being outraged that Teens of Denial wasn't higher up on my Top 10 of 2016. So I was wondering where all the CSH songs were. What do you think of their new record? Like I said when Surf posted it, Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales is a great song, one of my favourites of theirs, in fact. I remember seeing them live in a festival in Portugal, and being stunned when the stage was packed with fans who knew every word of every song. Their fans are rabid, and I get why. I too love Toledo's broken, vulnerable vocal delivery, and his song-writing is better than most indie guitar acts from the last 20 years. So a worthy #1.

So I'm going to ignore the weird and humdrum choices (in my subjective opinion, of course) and focus on the good ones, like your #1, of which there were plenty.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - THE #1s

Post by numbersix »

To Mr Geezer,

Maybe it's my hormones, or maybe it's just we're at the #1 stage so it's not a good time to shit on anyone's tastes, but I truly never found your songs torturous. I think the issue was I just found that they never reached out to me and so I moved on pretty quickly. I don't think I ever once stopped yours, or anyone's, songs. The trouble is that I guess the kind of music you like just isn't for me, and because of the apparent similarity in a lot of the songs (the same chords, similar tempos, earnest but very on-the-nose lyrics) I found it hard to find the exceptions. So the worst I can say about your picks is that I just shrugged them off. With some exceptions, like Blink 182 and Sum 41, who I really don't like.

But having said that, there were one or two acts I thought weren't bad. Against Me are obvious because the seem musically a little better but the lead singer's story meant for something more lyrically interesting. Plus they like Guinness as much as I do. Hmm, it seems that when it comes to pop-punk I don't like numbers but I do like the Againsts. And I think it was Lucero who also had some decent stuff. And I liked your songs from Hold Steady, Arcade Fire, and The Killers.

Sadly no crossovers, except for Fell in Love With a Girl if you count your Top 150.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - THE #1s

Post by Chienfantome »

Ron B, old friend, I'm glad you joined the countdown, because you're one of the few that were really unpredictable and could choose rap, electro, rock, pop or stranger things indifferently, and that's a quality in itself.
First we had 3 crossovers, which is amazing, Everyting Now, Lose Yourself and Seven Nation Army, and that reflects variety right there already.

But there were also a lot of stuff you chose I really like myself, and have featured myself with other titles, like Radiohead, Franz Ferdinand, Interpol, Daft Punk, Gorillaz and Phoenix.
But there's also songs I really like, like "Let it happen", "Time to Pretend", "The Scientist", "Skinny Love", "Don't stop", "Still Dre" or "Midnight City".
And I had a great discovery from you, with "Nobody Speak" by DJ Shadow, which I had never heard and found great.

So even if there were also a lot of misses for me too, I think yours was one of my favourite lists.
Oh, and about that #1, it wasn't an Eminem piece I was familiar with I think, and it was good.
Last edited by Chienfantome on June 8th, 2020, 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - THE #1s

Post by Chienfantome »

Leestu, the second man from Perth in a row.
I knew when we began this that I would make good discoveries thanks to you. Even if some of the stuff you like don't resonate with me, I knew you had interesting tastes. I'm listening to your #1 right now and it makes me remember I didn't tell Surfer I really liked that song when he listed it.
I'm not familiar with this band at all, I discovered it here, in part thanks to you, and that's a great discovery, very solid #1.

On the rest of your list, your choices didn't always click with me, and I have to admit a lot of stuff I have forgotten, because they sounded bland to me, but the likes of Tame Impala, The National, The Flaming Lips, Foals, MIA, The White Stripes (our one crossover !) were strong indications for me of the quality of your list. I was actually this close to include in my list Paper Planes and Do you realize ?, so we could have had 2 more crossovers.

I have a great Top 4 discoveries from you though that have now included my playlist and have started listening quite often (and maybe that #1 of yours will join them soon) :
"This is how it always starts" by Grandaddy
"Sometime around midnight" by The Airborn Toxic Event
"Tropical Fuck Storm" by Rubber bullies
"Queen" by Perfume Genius"
Thanks for those man, they're fantastic.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - THE #1s

Post by Screen203 »

1. Lady Gaga, Poker Face (2008)

This is gripping from the very beginning. When those dark synths kick in, you're instantly hooked. My story with this one is that it's the song that got me into music in general. I believe this is the song with the most plays on my iTunes account. Like a lot of the songs on my list, I have a personal connection with this song (strange for a list where many of the entries are literally manufactured). I can't put into words why this is my number 1, it's just something you would have to be in my shoes to understand.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - THE #1s

Post by transformers2 »

Screen's Top 100 Songs of the Millennium:
100.Billie Eilish-my strange addiction
99.Tinashe-Bet (feat. Devonte Hynes)
97.Ellie Goulding-Anything Can Happen
96.Disclosure-Confess to Me (feat. Jessie Ware)
95.Maggie Rodgers-On+Off
94.Chelsea Wolfe-Iron Moon
93.Kylie Minogue-Can't Get You Out of My Head
92.Florence + the Machine-Heavy in Your Arms
91.Alanis Morissette-You Owe Me Nothing in Return

90.Bear Hands-2 AM
89.Disclosure-Defeated No More (feat. Edward McFarlane)
87.La Roux-Uptight Downtown
86.Meg Myers-Jealous Sea
85.Rihanna-Woo (feat. Travis Scott)
84.CLiQ-Wavey (feat. Alika)
83.Disclosure-Omen (feat. Sam Smith)
82.Miguel-Sky Walker (feat. Travis Scott)
81.The Killers-Somebody Told Me

80.Chelsea Wolfe-Carrion Flowers
79.Kieza-Giant in My Heart
78.Tove Lo-True Disaster
77.Bleachers-Don't Take the Money
75.AlunaGeorge-Your Drums, Your Love
73.Amy Shark-Adore
71.La Roux-Sexotheque

70.Meg Myers-Desire
69.Charli XCX-Doing It (feat. Rita Ora)
68.Chelsea Wolfe-16 Psyche
67.Cassie-Me and U Are Young (feat. Janelle Monae)
65.Disclosure-Help Me Lose My Mind (feat. London Grammer)
64.Chromeo-Jealous (I Ain't with It)
63.Ellie Goulding-Lights
62.Sophie Ellis-Baxter-Murder on the Dance Floor
61.Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross-Immigrant Song (feat. Karen O)

60.Sia-Breathe Me
59.Alanis Morissette-21 Things I Want in a Lover
58.Travis Scott-Nightcrawler (feat. Swae Lee and Chief Keef)
56.Lady Gaga-Paparazzi
55.M83-Midnight City
54.Bruno Mars-Lock Out of Heaven
53.Marian Hill-Sad Song
52.A Perfect Circle-The Outsider
51.Lorde-Yellow Flicker Beat

50.Modest Mouse-Float On
49.AlunaGeorge-You Know You Like It
48.Gwen Stefani-Hollaback Girl
47.Tinashe-Party Favors
46.La Roux-Cruel Sexuality
45.Rihanna-Kiss It Better
44.Arctic Monkeys-Do I Wanna Know?
43.M.I.A.-Bad Girls
42.Disclosure-January (feat. Jamie Woon)
41.Flume-Say It (feat. Tove Lo)

40.Meg Myers-Tear Me to Pieces
39.KSHMR and Bassjackers-Memories (feat. Sirah)
38.Tove Lo-Cool Girl
37.Disclosure-Magnets (feat. Lorde)
36.Young M.A.-OOOUUU
35.Lana Del Rey-West Coast
34.Disclosure-You and Me (feat. Eliza Dolittle)
33.Rihanna-Rude Boy
32.Ingrid Michaelson-Girl Chase Boys

30.Garbage-Shut Your Mouth
29.Florence + the Machine-Dogs Days Are Over
27.Rachel Stevens-Crazy Boys
26.Nelly Furtado-Say It Right
25.Leona Lewis-Bleeding Love
24.Tinashe-All Hands on Deck
23.Alanis Morisette-Hands Clean
21.Ashanti-Rain on Me

20.Kungs vs. Cookin' on 3 Burners-This Girl
19.Tinashe-2 On (feat. ScHoolboy Q)
18.Big Data-Dangerous (feat. Joywave)
17.P!nk-Just Like a Pill
16.Taylor Swift-The Lucky One
14.M.I.A.-Paper Planes
13.Timbaland-The Way I Are (feat. Keri Hilson, D.O.E and Sebastian)
12.Clean Bandit-Rather Be (feat. Jesse Glynne)
11.Ella Henderson-Ghost

10.Route 94-My Love (feat. Jess Glynne)
9.Adele-Rolling in the Deep
8.Alanis Morrisette-Precious Illusions
7.Disturbed-Down with the Sickness
6.Adele-Someone Like You
5.Lady Gaga-Telephone (feat. Beyonce)
4.Calvin Harris-Sweet Nothing (feat. Florence Welch)
3.Disclosure-Latch (feat. Sam Smith)
1.Lady Gaga-Poker Face
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - THE #1s

Post by transformers2 »

Ron B: Not overly shocked by an Eminem song being your #1 given his strong presence throughout your list. Would've guessed something like Till I Collapse or Drug Ballad over The Way I Am though.

With a wide array of genres represented and only a couple of artists prominently featured, your list was refreshingly unpredictable. Naturally, something so eclectic is going to illicit a varied response, but you definitely hit more than you missed. "Robot Rock" represents Daft Punk at their raucous best, "The Blacker the Berry" may be Kendrick Lamar's most incendiary song outside of "Alright" and as I mentioned in six recap, "Pyramid Song" is some of the best Radiohead I've heard to date. Also great to see some love for old favorites of mine like "B.Y.O.B", "Little Sister", "Y'All Want a Single" and "Tribute".

Top Song: "Ms. Jackson"-Outkast (our lone crossover)
Top Discovery: "Robot Rock"-Daft Punk
Top Re-Discovery: "Tribute"-Tenacious D
Other Standouts: "B.Y.O.B"-System of a Down, "Little Sister"-Queens of the Stone Age, "Let It Happen"-Tame Impala, "Pyramid Song"-Radiohead, "The Blacker the Berry"-Kendrick Lamar, "Y'All Want a Single"-Korn
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