Top 50 Songs of 2020 (30-21)

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (30-21)

Post by Shrykespeare »

SONG #26


Run The Jewels with Pharrell & Zack De La Rocha - Ju$t

I absolutely love Run The Jewels’ mixture of hip-hop and social commentary. Killer Mike standing next to Bernie Sanders on his campaign, wearing a shirt that reads “Kill Your Masters” and encouraging minorities to create their own, is exactly who he is - and who RTJ are - in a nutshell. And bringing in that Rage Against The Machine clout? Genius.


AC/DC, Shot In The Dark

The first single from their latest album was pretty much what you'd expect, yet somehow better than I'd expected, especially after the death of Malcom Young.


Sports Team, Lander

One of the standout indie rock albums of 2020 for me was the debut from Sports Team, Deep Down Happy. There are a few songs from this album that could have made my list, especially The Races, except it was first released late in 2019 and I’m a stickler for these things so it misses out, but this opening track to the album is my favourite which sets the tone of the album: brief, fun, conversational with garage rock revival and post-punk revival influences.

ETA: Above link didn't work for me. Here's another.


Matt Corby, Brother


Billie Eilish, you should see me in a crown


Incubus, Our Love

It's time you bit the bullet
You're gonna hear the bastards go and tremble, yeah
Picking me up, the sound
Get your knee off the ground
They can't touch us, we're unaffected

For the second day in a row, I feature a band that’s been around for three decades or more. I did not realize until recently that Brandon Boyd was FOURTEEN when he started the group, but man, kudos to them for keeping it together for this long, and with largely the same lineup throughout. While they’re best known for hits like “Pardon Me”, “Drive”, and “Anna-Molly”, it’s this song that is my favorite of theirs. The video is pretty gnarly too, showcasing their witty humor and creativity. Here’s to the next ten years!

Album: Trust Fall (Side B) (EP)

Other great tracks: Into the Summer, On Without Me


Molchat Doma, Удалил Твой Номер / Udalil Tvoy Nomer

This underground Belarusian act had a bit of a breakout year. Not only did they sign to Sacred Bones, the A24 of record labels, but one of their songs trended on Tiktok. Their album is an excellent collection of lo-fi post-punk tracks, inspired by the original wave of Soviet/Yugoslavian music that came out of the early 80s. This track has a sort of New Order/Chameleons vibe. Right up my street.


Stuck, Invisible Wall

There is something quite wonderful about Stuck, who have managed to craft a post-punk sound that feels simultaneously deliberate and natural in their arrangements. Time signature shifts, the loud-quiet-loud model perfected by Pixies, everything is precise, yet surprising for us as a listener. The propulsive riff that penetrates the chorus is brutal, but quickly shifts to a cold, angular turn of pace while Greg Obis howls beneath it all like a wolf stalking its prey in the dead of night. Despite all the bile spit forth, there is something quite cathartic about this song, perhaps Stuck's precise actions have a positive effect after all.


Carly Rae Jepsen, Summer Love

I'm not all aboard the Carly Rae Jepsen hype train that has taken over the mainstream-adjacent pop community in recent years, but I won't deny that she's knocked it out of the park 3-5 times on each of her last few records. This warm, breezy tune from her latest effort "Dedicated Side B" is one of those times where she hit a juiced up Barry Bonds-esque moonbomb that elicits nothing but wide-eyed wonder as it heads into orbit.


OneRepublic, Rescue Me

Seeing a theme in my top 50 songs?

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (30-21)

Post by Shrykespeare »

Can you believe we're half done already???
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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (30-21)

Post by transformers2 »

Sure can, particularly since I'm 4 days behind on listening to the songs :lol:
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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (30-21)

Post by transformers2 »

Banks: Haven't enjoyed the small amount of Christine and the Queens I'd heard previously, but this was pretty damn infectious.

John: *insert witty comment about how another My Morning Jacket song bored the shit out of me*

Leestu: This was pretty damn good and I'm pretty confident this is the first time I've heard an Australian emo punk band.

Ron: Didn't move the needle one way or the other.

Screen: Vocals were a little too over the top, but the synths and dancey atmosphere kept it afloat

Shryke: Solid vocals and energy. Generally mediocre instrumentation. Decent hard rock track.

Six: Very odd, but it generally worked for me overall.

Surfer: Not a Talking Heads fan and this sounded like a Talking Heads cover band (albeit a very faithful one).

UDM: Works better in the context of the movie since it's such a crushing emotional crescendo moment, but it's impressive nonetheless.
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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (30-21)

Post by transformers2 »

Banks: My exposure to H.E.R. previously was limited to hearing "Hard Place" repeatedly in the trailer for "The Photograph" and I think I only listened to the whole song about 2-3 times after that. Definitely like this more than that song. Vocals were tight and the relaxed atmosphere was easy to get swept away by.

John: Good lord am I excited to get past this stretch of your list....

Leestu: You're on a great run with the punk tracks! The passion in the vocals is sincere and the little bursts of noisy guitars did a terrific job of helping sell the emotion.

Ron: While I'll admit that Yungblud seems to be taking a step forward with his songwriting (the groove here is pretty decent), his voice still really grates on me.

Screen: Not a fan. To be honest, this worked for me even less than the other Meg Myers tracks you've posted.

Shryke: Little bit too quirky for me.

Six: Don't fuck with those whispery vocals at all, but that synth groove is WILD.

Surfer: Was dreading pressing play on this because of how much I hate Sufjan's music. This was actually bearable by his insufferable standards, but I'm also not going to pretend like I enjoyed on this any sort of any meaningful level.

UDM: While Avril has an underrated voice, her music doesn't do anything for me.
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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (30-21)

Post by numbersix »

Shryke, we may be half-way done but since I've yet to post a song that everyone hates, let's say I'm only just beginning.

Banks: One of the better songs on RTJ4, one of my favourites albums of last year. Funnily enough the song that features on my list hasn't popped up in any of the other lists yet.
Leetsu: Think I saw these guys live and was underwhelmed by the music, but this was decent. Seems there's an emerging trend in UK indie music of verbose singers. I've got another one coming up.
Shryke: Dude, one of the best things about leaving the 90s was knowing I'd never have to hear Incubus again. It's 2021 and you're doing this to me????
Surf: Decent, I'd say too derivative of the Pixies if it weren't for the bass.
Tranny: Normally I'd switch off but as far as pop goes, this worked.

Others didn't tickle my fancy.

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (30-21)

Post by silversurfer19 »

Round 26

Banks: Run The Jewels, Just - This is the second time this has appeared now I think, and its starting to grow on me a little more. Bass is still too high in the mix for my liking, but there is definitely something undeniably catchy about it.

JohnErle: AC/DC, Shot In The Dark - Didn't like these guys at their best, this was a long drop from those days, however. Plodding with woeful lyrics.

Leestu: Sports Team, Lander - Yeah, these are very popular over here now, but I haven't listened to anything really for that reason! Can see why they are so popular, this is indeed a scene exploding right now, but I hear it worldwide from Canada to Australia as well as the UK. It was decent, may give their last album a chance.

Ron: Matt Corby, Brother - Obviously a catchy little holler, and a good voice, seems very reminiscent of other acts of the past 5 years or so, but it was fine for what it was.

Screen: Billie Eilish, You Should See Me In A Crown - Really liked this, seems the hype is legit, that really has a dirty vibe to it with a great bass and drop.

Shryke: Incubus, Our Love - Just no. They were a product of their time, but this is something that should not exist. Especially not in 2021. Lacking any bite they once had.

Six : Molchat Doma, Udally Golly What A Day - After hearing all the hype theae guys received mid way through last year I gave their last album a listen but it just didnt stick for me. Don't particularly remember this track, but there is definitely an 80s vibe going on here that I'm sure Shryke will love.

Transformers: Carly Rae Jepson, Summer Love - Not really for me.

Undeadmonkey: OneRepublic, Rescue Me - Is the theme that none of them were released in 2020? I joke. Nah, not for me.

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (30-21)

Post by transformers2 »

Banks: Eh, this was alright.


Leestu: This was pretty solid. Had the slight edge that I tend to like my indie rock to have and the vocals were nice.

Ron: An odd, funky little track that I can definitely get down with. Kind of reminded me of Thundercat.

Screen: Another one of the weaker tracks from Sunshine Kitty, but it's still pretty decent.

Shryke: Holy hell, synthpop does not suit Billy Corgan's voice at all.

Six: What in the sweet fuck is this. The instrumental sounds like a swing version of Fatboy Slim's "Weapon of Choice" and the vocals sounds like a British woman is giving commentary on a golf match. At least it wasn't My Morning Jacket.

Surfer: Pretty good mix of lo-fi punk and power pop. Enjoyed it.

UDM: About as good as I expected a collab between the most obnoxious pop star and most mediocre R&B singer on Earth to be.
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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (30-21)

Post by JohnErle »

Tranny: PM me your mailing address and I'll send you a My Morning Jacket t-shirt. ;)

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (30-21)

Post by undeadmonkey »


none of these piqued my interest, though the Still Thinkin song was decent

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (30-21)

Post by Shrykespeare »

SONG #25


Mothica, Blackout

Mothica is a mid-20s singer/songwriter from Kansas City that I stumbled onto via Instagram - and she’s been a huge musical discovery for me in 2020. Her debut EP is almost constantly in rotation still, and Blackout here is probably the most “fun” song on the album. Most of her music so far is about her recovery from addiction and how she turns that into great pop music, and its incredibly self-realized and polished for a singer who only starting releasing music only a year ago.


AC/DC, Realize

Probably their liveliest song since the 80s, kicking off their best album since the 80s.


Jeff Rosenstock, Scram!

Jeff Rosenstock is proving to be one of the best in the pop punk genre with albums that are highly entertaining, full of consistent quality songs with no filler and enough diversity so that each song doesn’t sound the same (a common flaw in pop punk albums), and albums that keep getting better and better. His latest album NO DREAM may be my favourite so far, with Scram! being my highlight with its power pop and skate punk influences and instant catchiness. There are other great songs on the album but this is the one I listened to a lot before hearing the full album.


Haim, Don't Wanna


Selena Gomez, Lose You to Love Me


Bea Miller, Forever is a Lie

Marriage is a contract 'cause they know that it's another liability
You cut through my legs, through my heart just to get another piece of me
The only thing I'm servin' are facts
But nobody wants those no more

See, the thing about forever
Is that it's a fucking lie
But I'll love you for tonight

Bea Miller got her first exposure at the age of 13 on the singing competition X-Factor. Now 22, she’s had a BUSY last few years, releasing a horde of EPs. On the latest, Elated!, comes this indubitably catchy, sassy little pop song with some snarky lyrics that she’ll bury in your brain with her sweet-not-sweet little voice.

Album: Elated!
Other great tracks: Making Bad Decisions, I Never Wanna Die


Sneaks, Sanity

One of the defining music trends of the last decade was the rise of bedroom pop artists. Previously, kids went from bedroom demos to being picked up by major label management and a development plan is in place before a proper career launch. Now, teens can wail under their duvets direct to Youtube and bypass the traditional career ladder. And while they tend to be mopey singer-songwriters, Sneaks is a single-minded lo-fi electro act, dabbling in punk, darkwave, hip hop, you name it. Sanity may sound rudimentary but it’s also pure.


Bad Moves, Night Terrors

Back with another blast of emotive power pop from the DC band, Night Terrors continues with the addictive hooks and sugar sweet melodies of their debut as they show no pretence and just stick to music that is a lot of fun. Bouncing off each other vocally adds an extra dimension to the band, while the more serious notes of the song's themes counter balance the joy of it all, and makes for an endlessly playable piece of music.


Mac Miller, I Can See

The highlight of Mac Miller's bittersweet final LP does a beautiful job of showing off his heightened maturity as a songwriter/performer and teasing the immense potential he'll sadly never get a chance to fulfill.


Selena Gomez, Dance Again

Happiness isn’t something you sit back and wait for.

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (30-21)

Post by transformers2 »

Banks: Happy to see this pop up again. Great track from a great album.

John: Never been happier to hear the safe, familiar sound of AC/DC in my life.

Leestu: Couldn't get into this. The spoken word-ish vocals drove me insane.

Ron: Listenable, but not particularly exciting.

Screen: This was actually the first songs of hers I'd heard a couple years back. It does a very good job of selling her sad/nocturnal/slightly evil aesthetic and the power of the transition from the borderline whispered verses to the explosive hook still hits every time I listen to.

Shryke: Loved everything Incubus did through A Crow Left of the Murder... and even count their early funk/nu metal LP S.C.I.E.N.C.E. among my all time favorite records. However, they've fallen off a cliff in the 15 years since then and while this is nowhere near their worst offering during that time, it's a very mundane track that immediately disintegrated from my brain.

Six: Not for me.

Surfer: Easily the nosiest and most chaotic song you've posted so far, so obviously I liked it.

UDM: Painful.
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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (30-21)

Post by JohnErle »

Round 26

RTJ – Still good

Billie Eilish – A little too much bass in the mix for my tastes, but it has a sweet rhythm. ADDED.

Sports Team – Not bad, but not distinctive enough. These UK indie bands with accented singers are all blending together at this point.

Matt Corby – It had its moments, but not enough of them. Also, 2012 dude!

Incubus – A band by that name shouldn't make Third Eye Blind sound edgy. Catchy, but too slick.

Belarusskies – If this had come out from behind the Iron Curtain in the 80s I could have forgiven it for being so utterly generic, but in 2020 there's no excuse. A hundred different bands from the 80s could have done this, and they all would have had better singers.

Stuck – Yuck!

CRJ – As a Canadian, I'm glad to see she's improving, but she's still got a long way to go before she's tolerable.

Onerepublic – It came out in May of 2019, which is all the reason I needed to skip this one.

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (30-21)

Post by silversurfer19 »

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (30-21)

Post by numbersix »

Nothing in 25 really did much for me. The Mac Miller one was kinda interesting in how chilled it was, but I drifted away. That's about it.

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