Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Shrykespeare »


100. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
99. Pater
98. Valhalla Rising
97. The Taste of Others
96. Master and Commander
95. The Mist
94. Take Shelter
93. Unbreakable
92. Blue is the Warmest Colour
91. Pineapple Express
90. Kinatay
89. Up
88. Love's Labour's Lost
87. Far From Heaven
86. Irreversible
85. The President's Last Bang
84. Election
83. Mustang
82. The Descendants
81. Camille Rewinds (Camille Redouble)
80. The Wailing
79. About Time
78. Mad Max Fury Road
77. Oslo August 31th
76. Wolf Children (Ame & Yuki)
75. Secret Sunshine
74. The Dark Knight
73. Toy Story 3
72. Hell or High Water
71. Blackhat
70. Inception
69. Black Swan
68. The LEGO Movie
67. A Prophet
66. Black Book
65. Aquarius
64. A Separation
63. Match Point
62. The Congress
61. Prince Avalanche
60. Moon
59. Incendies
58. It Follows
57. Submarine
56. The Chaser
55. Elephant
54. There Will Be Blood
53. Boyhood
52. The Beat My Heart Ksipped
51. Veteran
50. Inside Llewyn Davis
49. The Lives of Others
48. Han Gong Ju
47. Primer
46. Brokeback Mountain
45. Heartbeats
44. At Berkeley
43. Spirited Away
42. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
41. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
40. Poetry
39. Donnie Darko
38. The Adventures of Tintin
37. Right Now, Wrong Then
36. Howl's Moving Castle
35. Children of Men
34. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
33. Gran Torino
32. The New World
31. Breathless
30. Toni Erdmann
29. Interstellar
28. The Good, The Bad, the Weird
27. Son of Saul
26. Mulholland Dr.
25. Zodiac
24. JSA
23. Infernal Affairs
22. Guilty of Romance
21. Drive
20. Two Lovers
19. Prisoners
18. Sympathy for Mister Vengeance
17. Adieu Berthe (Granny's Funeral)
16. The Tree of Life
15. Arrival
14. The Great Beauty
13. Sweet Bean
12. The Hateful Eight
11. The Royal Tenenbaums
10. Oldboy
9. The Grand Budapest Hotel
8. The Assassination of Jesse James
7. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
6. On the Occasion of Remembering the Turning Gate
5. The Host
4. Lord of the Rings
3. Amelie
2. Memories of Murder

You may post your #1 when ready, Chien.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by silversurfer19 »

numbersix wrote:In fact I'm gonna guess what everyone else's #1 is.

Surf: Some indie/arthouse breakout that's on my list.
Ha! Good guess, though that does give you huge scope for what the movie might actually be.

I suspect TDK will be on at least two, if not three no.1 lists, and in doing so make it the no.1 collective movie as well. I also know there will be some movies that some will want to Lynch, and others some will find themselves in the mood to love. Who knows whose those films will belong to though? It might take 500 days of Summer to work it out!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Chienfantome »

My #1 film since 2000 is...


In the mood for love (2000)

Well, it seems some of you have guessed what my #1 film would be. It wasn’t that difficult, it was my #2 film in my all-time Top 100, and my #1 wasn’t from this century. Memories of Murder almost dethroned it, but the beauty of Wong Kar Wai’s masterpiece still is up there.

If the higher-placed films in my Top have a thing in common, it’s how important they have been in my life as a film lover. And of course how well they held up with time. I’ll always remember the day I discovered “In the mood for love”, when it was released back in the fall of 2000. I remember I didn’t really want to see it. Back then, I wasn’t that much interested in Asian cinema (boy has that changed), and in fact, I went to a Paris multiplex to see Charlie’s Angels. But I read the times wrong, there wasn’t Charlie’s Angels when I arrived, it was “In the Mood for love”. I had just done 45 minutes in subway to come watch a film, and even if I had done that to watch Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu and Cameron Diaz kick ass, what the heck, I thought, I’ll go see that Hong Kong film even if I’m afraid it will bore me.
Well, turns out, it didn’t bore me at all. In fact it triggered something in me. I found out that language didn’t matter. The time depicted (Hong Kong in the 60’s) didn’t matter. Beauty is universal. That’s what this film taught me. I fell in love with it, instantly. I fell in love with the languidness. I fell in love with the atmosphere. I fell in love with the music. I fell in love with the costumes. I fell in love with Maggie Cheung and Tony Leung. I fell in love with that unspoken love, that impossible love. I didn’t go looking for that film. But it found me, and changed the spectator I was. It’s one of the most beautiful film I have ever seen in my life, and it is the most beautiful this century has birthed.

The film follows a man and a woman in early 60’s Hong Kong. They are both married, but we never see their spouses. Little by little, something develops between them. Is it love ? And if it is, is it really possible for them to love each other ?

Here’s the official French trailer for you, I only found fan-made trailers or a bad US one online. There are only three lines of dialogues in the trailer. The first says “What are you thinking about ?”. The second says “You think you know your wife ?”. And the third one says “I didn’t think you would come” :
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by numbersix »

Ah Chien, Chien, you are a bank of global cinema. Not too surprised this was your #1 film of the millennium. And what a film. As you know, it made my Top 10. It's a beautiful film about desire and longing, about that feeling of wanting to do something, the anticipation and sadness it brings. And so amazingly shot. I've seen the film several times, on TV, cinema, and on my Criterion DVD (which includes the wonderful music video for DJ Shadow's Six Days - check it out if you haven't already). I never tire of the ways it which is captures complex and subtle feelings through tiny actions, visuals, and music. So not a bad choice.

And indeed, what a Top 100. Your Top 10 had 8 films from my list alone, and overall we had 30 films in common, which isn't bad considering I haven't seen a quarter of your list. I was delighted and surprised to see you include The Congress, a true cult film, as well as amazing films such as Mustang, Toni Erdmann, and Oslo August 31st. And of course all those wonderful Korean films. This weekend I just watched Park Chan Wook's I'm A Cyborg, and while it's not his best work, it's still full of wit and wonder. And I managed to see Aquarius recently, which probably won't make my Top 100 but was still a great film.

I'll try to ignore the ones I hated, such as the Clint Eastwood films which to me, represent the very worst aspects of masculinity ;)

But what excites me most is the prospect of discovering more great films. I'm already indebted to you for Memories of Murder, and I'm now eager to see Adieu Berthe (which I missed in Cannes!), Two Lovers, Guilty of Romance, The Chaser, and The Good, the Bad, the Weird. But we can chat about all that over a frenzied drink next month!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Shrykespeare »

Okay... going over Chien's list...

I've only ever seen 31 of them. Two of them are the Studio Ghibli films that I barely remember, and I do fondly remember Oldboy and The Host

Many of the films are ones I either hated (Pineapple Express, Interstellar, Children of Men), or saw once and will likely not revisit anytime soon (Primer, Valhalla Rising, Benjamin Button).

What was left, though, was high-quality stuff. I love that you included Tintin and Arrival, and there were six films that our lists shared, which is honestly more than I expected, given how disparate our film tastes are.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by transformers2 »

This may shock you, but my uncultured ass hasn't seen a lot of the films on your list ;) . I'm planning on putting a stop to my ignorance by using yours and six's lists as a guide to start tackling more foreign cinema in the near future (especially the Korean stuff). Of the films I actually saw, your list was kind of all over the place for me on the whole. You had everything from films that ranked highly on my list (Donnie Darko, Black Swan, Gran Torino) to some of my least favorite films of all-time (The Tree of Life, Mullholland Drive, Royal Tennenbaums) to films I respect, but didn't really enjoy (There Will Be Blood, Assassination of Jesse James, Eternal Sunshine). Overall I've seen 41 films from your list and we had 5 overlaps.
(* indicate films that made my list)

Donnie Darko*

Black Swan*
Gran Torino*
The Hateful Eight*

Toy Story 3

The Dark Knight (Spoiler Alert: Six's guess for my #1 was wrong)
The Descendants
Hell or High Water
Inside Llewyn Davis
LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring/Two Towers

The Host
The Lego Movie
Pineapple Express

Children of Men
Match Point

The Adventures of Tintin
The Grand Budapest Hotel

LOTR: Return of the King

The Assassination of Jesse James
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
There Will Be Blood
Tinker Tailor Solider Spy

Mad Max: Fury Road
Rogue One

It Follows

Master and Commander

The Royal Tennenbaums

Mullholland Drive
The Tree of Life
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Shrykespeare »

Y'all are welcome to keep commenting about Chien's list, but in anticipation of Boosh's #1 tomorrow, here is his list thus far.


50. The Artist
49. Black Book
48. Hugo
47. Far from Heaven
46. Hard Candy
45. Amour
44. Little Children
43. Django Unchained
42. Waltz With Bashir
41. Hero
40. Brokeback Mountain
39. De Palma
38. United 93
37. Capote
36. Letters from Iwo Jima
35. Man on Wire
34. LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring
33. Star Trek
32. Inception
31. Grindhouse
30. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
29. Amy
28. Sin City
27. All is Lost
26. Sideways
25. The Impossible
24. Black Swan
23. Traffic
22. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
21. Gone Baby Gone
20. The Hateful Eight
19. Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2
18. House of Sand and Fog
17. Fruitvale Station
16. 127 Hours
15. Amelie
14. Thirteen
13. Going Clear: Scientology
12. Bowling for Columbine
11. Inglourious Basterds
10. Boyhood
9. Life Itself
8. Million Dollar Baby
7. Mystic River
6. Mud
5. The Tree of Life
4. Requiem for a Dream
3. The Master
2. Memento
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Chienfantome »

#3 & 2

Kill Bill I : Excellent Tarantino flick.
The Dark Knight : The best superhero film, a remarkable film, made my list.

The Master : Impressive film from Anderson, love it.
Memento : Missed my list by an inch, terrific suspense film.

Inside Llewyn Davis : Made my list, my favorite Coen film from this century.
The Fellowship : The trilogy made my Top 5, a fantastic film, full of magic and cinema.

Royal Tenenbaums : Made my Top 10, a classic already, funny and bitter and so rich in terms of characters.
Scott Pilgrim : I like it, but I never got the hype about it.

Sunshine : A very good sci-fi film.
The Dark Knight : Best superhero film, and great film, period.

How to train... : It's a fun family film.
V For Vendetta : Hated it.

It Follows : Made my list, terrific horror film, with a great mood.
Incendies : Made my list, a remarkable drama.

40 year-old virgin : A sweet and funny comedy, Apatow's best.
The departed : Very good, although I much prefer the HK original Infernal Affairs which made my list ;)

Howl's moving castle : My favorite Miyazaki, made my list.
POTC : Boooooring film. I almost fell asleep.

Scott Pilgrim : It's fun, I haven't seen it since theater, I wasn't a big fan of it, I expected more.
Elf : Very fun.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Chienfantome »

Shrykespeare wrote:Chien, Amelie - I've not seen this, but I must say... I would have bet a stack of cash this was going to be your #1. Wasn't this #1 when we did the All Time countdown a few years ago? (I'm too tired to look it up.)
Nope, Amelie was in my Top 5, but it wasn't my #1 (I'm as lazy as you to go see where it as exactly, but I'd say it was #3 or 4 in my all-time Top 100).
numbersix wrote:Chien: Ah Chien Chien. I remember you having this high on your Top 100 of all time, and being curious about it. It was on my To See list for years, until this Christmas I just bought the DVD for something like €5. This year I watched it, and boy was I impressed. A detective story, one full of frustration and corruption, with dashes of bizarre humour. It's a superb film, and if I had seen it sooner it would certainly have appeared in my own Top 100.
Glad I made you discover this gem of a film, Six ;)
numbersix wrote:I'm already indebted to you for Memories of Murder, and I'm now eager to see Adieu Berthe (which I missed in Cannes!), Two Lovers, Guilty of Romance, The Chaser, and The Good, the Bad, the Weird.
I hope you'll love them, they are not as immense as Memories of Murder, but they are all great films. Glad you liked Aquarius too.
Shrykespeare wrote: I love that you included Tintin and Arrival, and there were six films that our lists shared, which is honestly more than I expected, given how disparate our film tastes are.
You are probably right, it is true are tastes are more than often vastly different !
transformers2 wrote:This may shock you, but my uncultured ass hasn't seen a lot of the films on your list
Well, nobody's perfect, man ;)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by undeadmonkey »

I have a bit of catching up to do

JOHNERLE The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) - Fantastic movie. see previous comments.

NUMBERSIX In the Mood for Love (2000) – Still havent seen

RON BURGUNDYMad Max: Fury Road (2015) - Its on Netflix now, so i'll give it another go once i have a chance

SHRYKESPEARE Lord of the Rings (2000-03) - See comments previous and further below

SURFERBlack Swan (2010) - It was fine, but didnt impress me as much as you obviously

UNDEADMONKEY Signs (2002) - Before Signs, i had never seen a movie that enthralled and completely engrossed me the way this did. The atmosphere, the characters slowly being revealed against this great mystery. The aliens aren't the point of the movie, it's about the choices we make and the consequences they have. Gibson and Phoenix were phenomenal in their roles.

W 28 Days Later... (2002) - Was on my list, fantastic movie.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Shrykespeare »

Still awaiting Boosh's #1, but in the meantime, here is the near entirety of MY list.


100. From Hell
99. Seabiscuit
98. Over the Hedge
97. Collateral
96. Gladiator
95. Elysium
94. The Good Dinosaur
93. Now You See Me
92. Star Trek Beyond
91. Minority Report
90. The Ring
89. Mr. Brooks
88. Invincible
87. The Mothman Prophecies
86. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
85. The Cinderella Man
84. Despicable Me
83. Edge of Tomorrow
82. Identity
81. X-Men: First Class
80. Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
79. The Matrix Reloaded/Revolutions
78. Paycheck
77. The Magnificent Seven
76. Titan A.E.
75. Music and Lyrics
74. Unstoppable
73. Pitch Black
72. Sherlock Holmes
71. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
70. The Dark Knight Rises
69. Tower Heist
68. Bridge of Spies
67. Iron Man
66. Death Race
65. Warm Bodies
64. Madagascar
63. Accepted
62. Vantage Point
61. Déjà vu
60. Kung Fu Panda
59. Inception
58. Pacific Rim
57. The Blind Side
56. Flushed Away
55. Bruce Almighty
54. Eagle Eye
53. Passengers
52. Turbo
51. POTC: Curse of the Black Pearl
50. The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
49. District 9
48. Monsters vs. Aliens
47. Men in Black 3
46. Captain America: Winter Soldier
45. Batman Begins
44. Chicken Run
43. The Equalizer
42. Star Wars: The Force Awakens
41. Horton Hears a Who!
40. The Hunger Games (whole series)
39. Inglourious Basterds
38. Shrek
37. Matchstick Men
36. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
35. Cars
34. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
33. Source Code
32. Captain America: The First Avenger
31. Zootopia
30. Saw
29. Charlie Wilson's War
28. Inside Out
27. 300
26. TCON: The Lion, The Witch & the Wardrobe
25. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 2
24. Big Hero 6
23. I, Robot
22. Argo
21. Ocean's Eleven
20. Toy Story 3
19. The Martian
18. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
17. The Avengers
16. Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2
15. Ratatouille
14. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
13. Unbreakable
12. The Incredibles
11. Star Trek
10. Wreck-It Ralph
9. Guardians of the Galaxy
8. How to Train Your Dragon 2
7. Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
6. Lord of the Rings (whole series)
4. Lucky Number Slevin
3. How to Train Your Dragon
2. V For Vendetta
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Typing this on phone. Painfully tedious...

Anyways heres my quick thoughts on #7, #6 & #5

Up in the Air - didn't think it was very good. Almost shocked to see it up so high
Shaun of the Dead - mentioned that I like Hot Fuzz much more but this is still above average
Her - another surprise in terms of placement. I should re-watch this

Mystic River - watched this last year. I liked it far more than I remembered.
Mud - very high up. It's certainly good. Great performances by the two leads.
The Tree of Life - actually saw this just over a week ago thanks to those who had it in their top. I have very mixed feelings. Such a grand scope but it lacks cohesion in its final message. Perhaps I'll appreciate it more next time. Also has some excellent visuals

Eternal Sunshine - incase you hadn't noticed last year was a year of discovery and increased appreciation. This one fell in both categories as I just don't remember the first viewing, funny that ay ;) it was a real treat, nearly made my list.
On the occasional.... - so the 3 Korean films I watched the other day weren't this (they were: JSA, Sympathy for Mr vengeance & The Chaser) but I know this film MUST be even better than those so I'll strive to watch this asap.
The Host - very good genre mixing with humour and heart.

Take shelter - I am starting to forget why exactly I liked this so much, I think it was that planting of the seed of doubt
The return of the King - simply a stunning end to a glorious trilogy, and yes, I read the books first.
Wall-E - niiiiiiice pick mate :)

The 40 year old - it's good, just didn't quite hit me as well as it did you.
In the Mood - bah, been on WL for years, this is the year I see It finally
Crouching tiger- what a surprise. I held off seeing this for years. When I did, it was terrific! Good choice

Dodge ball - Sooo funny. Ben stiller at his best.
LOTR - hardly a boring moment across 10 hours
Wall-E - yeeeeesss

Mulholland Drive - on my list
Black Swan - not on my list
TDK - my No. 2!

super bad - I did LOL a fair bit when this came out
Django - awesome, so glad it wasn't a Will Smith movie in the end, I bet he wished he played the part here in hindsight
Memento - on me list

Spidey 2 - it was ok
Signs - I probably liked this more than I should have
HP 6- can't remember much about it

City of god - terrific
28 days - excellent
Guardians - can't wait to see sly in the sequel in a cameo
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Buscemi »

This is embarrassing. I thought Six was posting it on my behalf, seeing how I sent it to him. I apologize for the delay.

Anyway, my #1.


In the distant future, Earth has become a wasteland of garbage that has long been abandoned by humankind. The world is barren and used. No hope exists for a renewed existence. Except for one robot. The Waste Allocation Load Lifter - Earth Class, or WALL-E, has spent 700 years going about his job while spending his free time finding interesting items among the rubble and obsessively watching a VHS copy of Hello, Dolly. Through these activities, Wall-E has learned sentience and has begun to realize how lonely he has become. Wall-E seeks love.

One day, another robot, the Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evalutator, or EVE, has arrived on a routine mission seeking new life. As it turns out, WALL-E has what she's looking for: a plant. However, WALL-E has other ideas. The expedition is a success but the story is only beginning.

Andrew Stanton and company spent 16 years between development and release (this includes the five years of active production) to get this film made. Ever the perfectionist, Stanton was still working on elements of the story three months before the opening to make sure WALL-E's journey from worker bot to savior of Earth was as flawless as possible. Much of the film's beauty is its use of images and physical humor to tell the story. Heavily influenced by the silent comedy greats Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton, WALL-E is as much a great romantic comedy as it is a sprawling space opera. It's hard not to find amusement out of the little guy's adventures (unless you're one of those people who tried to claim the film had a political agenda). The film also wisely avoids celebrity stunt casting like so many animated films nowadays do. Instead, the voices of the three main characters (the third character is Microbe-Obliterator, or M-O), along with most of the sound effects, were mostly created by film sound legend Ben Burtt. Burtt creates a new world that haven't been heard by audiences before and without Burtt's efforts, it wouldn't be the same movie.

The themes also have an universal appeal. It's a comedy, an adventure film, a sci-fi movie, a story of an unlikely hero's journey, and a tale of the corporate world's destruction of civilization and the fight to resurrect it. But most importantly, it's a love story. After June 27th, 2008, cinema would never quite be the same again.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by numbersix »

Ah, I forgot that you had sent me your #1! Thought you wanted to post yourself for the glory ;)

I really enjoyed Wall-E. I've only seen it once, and really should give it another go, but I really respected how the film managed to be essentially a silent film for the first half. The second half didn't quite grip me, and its environmentalist message was a bit too on the nose, but I see that as something to inspire kids rather than cynical adults like me ;). The animation was beautiful too.

You had quite an impressive list, Boosch. Even though you only had 50 films instead of 1000, we had a good amount of crossover picks, 9 in total. You were the only other person to include the melancholic animation Waltz with Bashir and the beautiful The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. And lots of Tarantino, which is always good to see.
I've seen everything but three films from your list. I'm not that interested in Life Itself or De Palma (I need to watch more of his films before I watch a doc about him), but Far From Heaven is definitely a priority.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of the New Millennium (2000-)

Post by Buscemi »

I would have done 100 (with paragraphs) but I don't have all my lists from this century on file (and sorting through my IMDb ratings would take too long) and I was working on that screenplay (in fact, I'm already beginning work on the next one).

As for 1,000, I could do it but it would take months to compile (and I would have some controversial choices in the middle).
Everything on this post is strictly the opinion and only the opinion of Buscemi.

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